Cyberduck Mountain Duck CLI

Release notes and previous releases. There are also snapshot and beta builds available featuring the latest bugfixes and enhancements.

9.0.1 24 Jul 2024
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  • Bugfix Auto detect of vaults not always working (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Missing server prompts before transfer (Windows) (#16140, #16113)
  • Bugfix Hang on reopening Transfer window when transfer in progress (Windows) (#16147)
  • Bugfix Crash when selected default protocol doesn’t exist (Windows) (#16115)

9.0.0 27 Jun 2024
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  • Feature Versioning of files edited in external application (#15137)
  • Feature Custom icons for protocols (Nextcloud, ownCloud)
  • Feature Detect proxy configuration change for already open connections (#13274)
  • Feature Rewrite implementation of Transfers window (Windows) (#15885)
  • Bugfix Failure retrieving previous versions of file (ownCloud)
  • Bugfix Missing shared folders (OneDrive Business) (#16036)

8.9.0 16 May 2024
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  • Feature Resumable file uploads (ownCloud) (#15619)
  • Feature Support authentication using SSH certificates (SFTP) (#15183)
  • Bugfix Failure sharing file (ownCloud) (#15855, #15839)
  • Bugfix Disable signing and encryption by default (SMB) (#15817)
  • Bugfix NTLM authentication failures (WebDAV, SharePoint) (#15127)

8.8.2 08 Apr 2024
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  • Bugfix Slower file transfers caused by connections per host limit (#15737)
  • Bugfix Unable to edit HTTP header metadata (S3) (#15742)

8.8.1 14 Mar 2024
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  • Bugfix Mismatch with Content-MD5 for multipart uploads to vault (S3, Cryptomator) (#15704)

8.8.0 08 Mar 2024
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  • Localize Tamil Localization
  • Bugfix Improved retry and backoff strategy for API errors (Backblaze B2) (#15601)
  • Bugfix Require signing and encryption by default (SMB) (#15638)
  • Bugfix Support upload to buckets with object lock enabled (S3) (#15557)
  • Bugfix Transfer incomplete message when copying between servers (#15583)
  • Bugfix Unresponsive application when waiting for transfer to cancel on timeout (#15671)

8.7.3 11 Jan 2024
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  • Bugfix Crash when opening application (Windows) (#15535)

8.7.2 11 Jan 2024
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  • Bugfix Missing digest header when commiting large file upload (Box) (#14564)
  • Bugfix Modification date not set in upload (Dropbox) (#15381)
  • Bugfix Setting modification date truncates file (SMB) (#15495)

8.7.1 04 Nov 2023
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  • Bugfix Crash when selecting private key outside of ~/.ssh (macOS, Mac App Store)
  • Bugfix Application scoped bookmark to access file outside of sandbox not saved (macOS, Mac App Store) (#15250)
  • Bugfix Failure parsing expiration from cached temporary credentials in AWS CLI configuration from AWS SSO (S3) (#15257)
  • Bugfix Unable to authenticate with S3 (Credentials from AWS Command Line Interface) connection profile (S3) (#15222)
  • Bugfix Refreshed OAuth tokens not saved in credentials manager (Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Storage, Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint) (#15309)
  • Bugfix Failure saving OpenID Connect (OIDC) token in credentials manager (Windows)
  • Bugfix Failure completing OAuth authentication flow (Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint) (Windows Store)

8.7.0 18 Oct 2023
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macOS 10.13 or later required.
  • Feature SMB (Server Message Block) protocol support (#5368)
  • Feature Support to login using temporary credentials from Security Token Service (STS API) using OpenID Connect (OIDC) web identity (S3) (#13804)
  • Feature Login using connection profile for AWS S3/STS + Google (OIDC) (S3)
  • Feature Login using connection profile for AWS S3/STS + Azure AD (OIDC) (S3)
  • Feature Support login using OAuth 2.0 in (ownCloud) (#14876)
  • Feature Allow to create internal share (ownCloud, Nextcloud) (#14197)
  • Feature Option to automatically download and install updates (macOS)
  • Feature Set creation date for uploaded files (Backblaze B2, Box, Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Refresh temporary access credentials obtained from CLI configuration (S3) (#10917)
  • Bugfix Cannot reuse nonce for GCM encryption uploading small files (Cryptomator)

8.6.3 10 Aug 2023
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  • Bugfix Failure configuring credentials from AWS CLI setup (S3) (#14970)
  • Bugfix Frequent broken pipe errors (FTP) (#14969)

8.6.2 04 Aug 2023
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  • Feature Allow to open connections without copying authentication code after login (Microsoft OneDrive, Sharepoint)
  • Bugfix Segmented downloads with multiple connections per file causes transfers to fail (#13374)
  • Bugfix Use recommended part size from authorization response for large file uploads (Backblaze B2) (#14856)
  • Bugfix Skip determining if directory only contains hidden files (Backblaze B2) (#14775)
  • Bugfix Does not show folders by default that do not contain a .bzEmpty placeolder file (Backblaze B2) (#14768)
  • Bugfix Make settings in Preferences → Connection → Timeouts apply for transfers (#14737)
  • Bugfix Copy or move files between containers (Azure) (#14826)
  • Bugfix Upload with glob pattern including folders for local source has wrong target on server (CLI) (#14800)
  • Bugfix Should not attempt to read metadata of existing files with no --preserve flag passed (CLI) (#14802)
  • Bugfix Resolve tilde prefix in default path to home directory (SFTP)

8.6.0 30 May 2023
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  • Feature Add preference "Use Keychain" when unlocking vaults (Cryptomator) (#14662)
  • Bugfix Slow listing of directory contents (Backblaze B2) (#14527)
  • Bugfix Set newly calculated nonces and checksum when retrying upload (Cryptomator) (#14547)
  • Bugfix Allow tilde character in keys (S3, Google Storage) (#14590)
  • Bugfix Support sso_session configuration directive (S3) (#14568)
  • Bugfix Allow synchronizing of folders with different folder names as parameters (CLI) (#13911)
  • Bugfix Only prompt for password when creating share when account is subscribed to professional plan (Dropbox) (#14581)
  • Bugfix File permission changes not applying recursively (SFTP, FTP) (#14004)
  • Bugfix No result set when searching for shared files (Google Drive) (#14612)
  • Bugfix Make Bonjour installation optional (Windows) (#13416)
  • Bugfix Allow uninstall of Bonjour components (Windows) (#13416)
  • Bugfix Error parsing MLST response from Serv-U FTP Server (FTP) (#14652)
  • Bugfix Set timestamps in metadata interoperable with rclone (S3) (#14639)
  • Bugfix Failure configuring CloudFront distributions for bucket (S3) (#14669)

8.5.9 12 Apr 2023
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  • Bugfix Requires force quit after opening file multiple times in external editor (macOS) (#14412)

8.5.8 22 Mar 2023
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  • Bugfix Presigned URL does not consider the server port number (S3) (#13981)
  • Bugfix File changes in editors are no longer uploaded when file has previously deleted by a save process (#14455)
  • Bugfix Unable to duplicate files (macOS) (#14413)
  • Bugfix Failure reverting previous version in vault (Cryptomator, OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox) (#14410)
  • Bugfix Hide directory placeholders only containing hidden files (Backblaze B2) (#14431)

8.5.7 22 Mar 2023
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  • Bugfix Cannot create or duplicate files with any suffix (#14263)
  • Bugfix Do not use MLST when running with interoperability connection profile (FTP) (#14333)
  • Bugfix Error using "Open With" to open file in external editor (Windows) (#14332)
  • Bugfix Overwriting large file deletes segments after transfer is complete (OpenStack Swift) (#14326)
  • Bugfix Edit file instantly uploads and overwrites file on server with no change (#14251)
  • Bugfix The bucket does not allow ACLs error when copying file to bucket with BucketOwnerEnforced ownership controls (S3) (#14300)
  • Bugfix Allow to copy expiring public links using shared access signature with different expiry dates (Azure) (#14270)
  • Bugfix Allow to create public links with different expiry dates (OpenStack Swift) (#14256)
  • Bugfix Review layout of input prompts (Windows)
  • Bugfix Overwrite prompt does not allow to expand folder (Windows) (#14287#)
  • Bugfix Transfer with Resume or Compare option marked as incomplete when all files can be skipped (#12998)

8.5.6 17 Feb 2023
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  • Bugfix Support for vaults using GCM encryption (Cryptomator) (#14207)
  • Bugfix Recursive search displaying folders not containing files matching the pattern (#13925)
  • Bugfix Copying or moving files with two browser windows may not use server side operation (#14084)
  • Bugfix Lazily calculate pre-signed URLs (S3, Openstack Swift, Azure)

8.5.5 26 Jan 2023
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  • Bugfix Save OAuth tokens with username to allow connecting to different accounts (Google Drive, Google Storage, OneDrive, Dropbox, Box)

8.5.4 10 Jan 2023
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  • Bugfix Failure authorizing using OAuth with no desktop browser installed (Linux) (#14028)
  • Bugfix Allow to create new buckets in regions ap-south-2, ap-southeast-3, eu-south-2, eu-central-2, me-central-1 (S3) (#14045)
  • Bugfix Allow custom path for IdentityAgent configuration (SFTP, Windows) (#13933)

8.5.3 21 Dec 2022
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  • Bugfix Failure uploading file with diacritic in filename (Windows) (#13723)
  • Bugfix Folders containing backup file dirid.c9r cannot be deleted (Cryptomator) (#13957)
  • Bugfix Files not decrypted after unlocking vault (Cryptomator, Box) (#13961)
  • Bugfix Only read specific key from SSH agent with IdentitiesOnly and public key in IdentitiyFile directive in OpenSSH configuration to limit number of authentication attempts (SFTP) (#13935)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with IdentityAgent from 1Password (SFTP)

8.5.2 07 Dec 2022
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  • Bugfix Invalid syntax in Open in Terminal command (SFTP, macOS)
  • Bugfix Passwords for ProxyJump hosts in .ssh/config are not saved (SFTP) (#13936)
  • Bugfix Files in vault not decrypted (Cryptomator, Google Storage) (#13949)

8.5.1 01 Dec 2022
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  • Feature Skip button to allow creating share with no passphrase (Dropbox, Box, ownCloud, Nextcloud) (#13846)
  • Feature Redirect to application without requiring to copy authentication code when opening new connection (Dropbox)
  • Feature Allow configuration of client certificate (ownCloud, Nextcloud)

8.5.0 01 Nov 2022
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  • Feature Allow to view and revert previous versions of files (ownCloud, Nextcloud) (#10560)
  • Feature Allow to request files with upload share link (Dropbox) (#13832)
  • Bugfix Try keyboard-interactive authentication always before password for interoperability with 2FA configurations (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Connect to custom hostname from pairing response (
  • Bugfix Failure creating upload link to request files (Nextcloud) (#13791)

8.4.5 11 Oct 2022
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  • Bugfix Failure enabling connection profile from Preferences (#13739)
  • Bugfix Only set userProject parameter in requests for buckets with requester pays option enabled (Google Storage) (#13745)
  • Bugfix Allow glob pattern when searching for files in browser (#13781)

8.4.4 15 Sep 2022
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  • Bugfix Prioritise password authentication if password is available (SFTP) (#13442)
  • Bugfix Filter identities in SSH agent based on private key selection in bookmark (SFTP) (#13680)
  • Bugfix Switch OAuth registration with redirect URIs shorter than the allowed maximum of 32 characters in Windows Store (Google Storage, Google Drive) (#13695)
  • Bugfix Save OAuth expiry in keychain instead of preferences (#13710)

8.4.3 18 Aug 2022
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  • Bugfix Repeated prompt to verify server fingerprint (SFTP, Windows) (#13638)
  • Bugfix OAuth token not saved in credentials manager (Dropbox, Windows) (#13613)
  • Bugfix Malformed authorization header with wrong region when browsing buckets in multiple regions (S3)
  • Bugfix Lower memory footprint regardless of available memory on system (macOS)

8.4.2 12 Jul 2022
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  • Bugfix Setting to always open default editor application set in Preferences (Windows) (#13546)
  • Bugfix Unable to complete OAuth flow with missing scheme handler registered when running in sandbox (Google Storage, Google Drive) (Mac App Store)

8.4.1 29 Jun 2022
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  • Bugfix Crash running on versions prior macOS 11 (#13521)

8.4.0 28 Jun 2022
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Windows 10 (14393) or later required.
Windows Server 2016 or later required.
  • Feature Revert previous file versions in Info panel (S3, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, Google Storage, OneDrive, Microsoft Sharepoint)
  • Feature Delete previous file versions in Info panel (S3, Backblaze B2, Google Drive, Google Storage)
  • Feature View previous file versions in Info panel (S3, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Storage, OneDrive, Microsoft Sharepoint)
  • Feature Support applications installed from Windows Store for editing files (12802) (Windows)
  • Feature No length limitation when storing passwords in Windows Credential manager (#12803) (Windows)
  • Feature Migrate OAuth out-of-band flow to an alternative method (#13360) (Google Drive, Google Storage)
  • Feature Add menu item to request files for protocols that support upload share links (#13426) (Box, Nextcloud, ownCloud)
  • Feature Include region identifier in region selection when creating new bucket (S3) (#13501)
  • Bugfix Do not attempt to set ACL on files uploaded to bucket with owner controls set that disallows ACLs (S3) (#13386)
  • Bugfix Register custom DNS resolver to handle IPv6 preference (#13399)
  • Bugfix Failure opening vault (Cryptomator, FTP) (#13375)
  • Bugfix Mismatch between SHA256 hash error when downloading files (Dropbox) (#13361)
  • Bugfix No such file error when uploading with temporary filename option (SFTP) (#13367)
  • Bugfix Transfer acceleration endpoints not used (S3) (#13359)
  • Bugfix Delete multiple files with batch request (DRACOON)
  • Bugfix RequestTimeTooSkewed error with computer date settings not using Gregorian calendar (S3) (#13454)
  • Bugfix Fix error reporting to display exact parser failure for unexpected response contents (S3) (#13383)
  • Bugfix Invalid hostname used when completing multipart upload when connecting to single bucket (S3)
  • Bugfix Unable to delete object version created prior enabling file versioning for bucket (S3) (#13507)
  • Bugfix Bucket versioning checkbox should reflect lifecycle configuration (Backblaze B2) (#13505)

8.3.3 28 Apr 2022
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  • Bugfix Failing transfers with multipe files (FTP) (#13322)

8.3.2 08 Apr 2022
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  • Bugfix Connection not released causing freeze in browser or transfer (FTP) (#13273)

8.3.1 08 Apr 2022
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  • Bugfix Failure reconnecting when control connection is closed on server (FTP) (#13037)
  • Bugfix Set role session name from configuration when connecting using credentials from AWS Command Line Interface (S3)
  • Bugfix Hide file when deleting latest version to allow later restore (Backblaze B2)

8.3.0 30 Mar 2022
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  • Feature Enable authentication using OpenSSH agent on Windows (SFTP, Windows) (#12880)
  • Bugfix File edited moved to trash and no longer updated on server (#11729)
  • Bugfix Failure copying or renaming file when bucket name is set in hostname using virtual host style (S3)
  • Bugfix Failure deleting file (Google Drive, Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Failures when deleting folder with no placeholder (Azure) (#12900)
  • Bugfix Batch requests when deleting multiple files (Dropbox) (#12904)
  • Bugfix Deleting many files may fail with 413 Request Entity Too Large (Google Drive) (#12902)
  • Bugfix IPv6 not working for hosts with both A and AAAA entries (#12917)
  • Bugfix Resolve tilde in IdentityAgent configuration (SFTP) (#12954)
  • Bugfix Missing download overwrite prompt (#12860)
  • Bugfix Compose segments of download very slow after downloading is slow (#12996)
  • Bugfix Trim whitespace from input in username and password fields (#12986)
  • Bugfix Missing Glacier Instant Retrieval storage class option (S3) (#12915)

8.2.3 04 Feb 2022
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  • Bugfix When creating new vault save vault.cryptomator to make vaults readable by Cryptomator apps (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Unable to download files using glob pattern (CLI) (#12797)
  • Bugfix Failure unlocking vault (CLI, Cryptomator, Windows) (#12812)


  • Bugfix Add support reading IdentityAgent from OpenSSH configuration (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Unable to enable debug log configuration (Windows)

8.2.1 11 Jan 2022
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  • Bugfix Try all public key algorithms available for a specific key type (SFTP) (#12733)
  • Bugfix Add fallback when location query for endpoint URI fails (S3) (#12723)
  • Bugfix Failure connecting to bucket with missing virtual host style request support (S3) (#12746)
  • Bugfix Fix display scaling issues (Windows) (#12742)

8.2.0 23 Dec 2021
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  • Feature Support for Box API (Box) (#10235)
  • Bugfix Failure opening connection (FTP-SSL, Windows)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Sharepoint Site (Microsoft Sharepoint)
  • Bugfix Compare option for existing files in transfer fails to verify checksums (#12688)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading to folders in vault (Cryptomator, CLI) (#11881)

8.1.2 07 Dec 2021
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  • Bugfix Missing dependency on some systems preventing application startup (Windows) (#12628)

8.1.1 06 Dec 2021
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  • Feature Interoperability with vault format 8 (Cryptomator) (#11888)
  • Feature Support for AWS SSO using Session Token Authentication (S3) (#11568)
  • Feature Support for TLSv1.3 (Windows) (#11790)
  • Bugfix Allow session reuse for data connections (FTP-SSL) (#12589)

8.1.0 25 Nov 2021
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macOS 10.12 or later required.
  • Feature Native support for Apple silicon (#11101)

8.0.2 16 Nov 2021
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  • Bugfix Replacing file may cause empty permission set in ACL (S3)
  • Bugfix Failure authentication with PuTTY private key (SFTP) (#11887)
  • Bugfix Set storage class for transition to "ARCHIVE" when editing lifecycle configuration (Google Cloud Storage) (#11906)
  • Bugfix Deleted folders still displayed with versioning enabled on bucket (Google Cloud Storage) (#11904)

8.0.0 27 Oct 2021
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  • Feature Allow to manage additional connection profiles in Preferences (#10823)
  • Feature New default connection profile (ownCloud)
  • Feature Retain modification date in metadata for uploads (Google Storage) (#11784)
  • Feature Retain modification date in metadata for uploads (S3) (#11784)
  • Feature Build package in AppImage format (CLI) (#11762)
  • Feature Support for PuTTY v3 key files (SFTP)
  • Feature Support public key authentication using certificates (SFTP)
  • Feature Support for PEM ASN.1 encoded private keys (SFTP)
  • Feature Support for host certificate keys handling @cert-authority in known_hosts (SFTP)
  • Feature Column in browser window to display checksum (#11824)
  • Bugfix Change default path for NextCloud connections to include username (#11787)
  • Bugfix Failed to overwrite upload of object with custom metadata (Google Cloud Storage) (#11781)
  • Bugfix Skip duplicate file versions in output (Cyberduck CLI) (#11786)
  • Bugfix Fails to use selected private key file outside of ~/.ssh folder (SFTP, Mac App Store) (#11782)
  • Bugfix Unable to delete folders (Google Cloud Storage) (#11808)
  • Bugfix Allow to set Glacier storage class (Google Cloud Storage) (#11521)
  • Bugfix Unable to remove delete marker (S3) (#11803)
  • Bugfix Unable to download previous version of file (S3, Backblaze B2) (#11797, #11835)
  • Bugfix Copying files requires permission to read bucket ACL (S3) (#11701)
  • Bugfix Unable to set storage class to STANDARD (S3) (#11849)
  • Bugfix Taskbar shows incorrect number of transfers (Windows) (#11813)
  • Bugfix Allow to delete trashed files (Google Drive) (#11816)
  • Bugfix Create directory placeholders using default storage class (S3) (#11751)
  • Bugfix Create master key using default storage class (S3, Cryptomator) (#11751)
  • Bugfix Use specific region endpoint only with --region option (S3, CLI) (#11827)
  • Bugfix Empty list output when listing root directory (CLI) (#11814)

7.10.2 25 Aug 2021
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  • Feature Add --purge option to invalidate files in Amazon CloudFront distributions and OpenStack Swift (X-CDN-Enabled header) (#11767)
  • Bugfix Links for CloudFront distributions and S3 website endpoints are missing in the Copy URL and Open URL menu (S3) (#11764)
  • Bugfix Failure downloading files (
  • Bugfix Return existing share URL when found (Dropbox) (#11209)
  • Bugfix Select origin bucket for logging target with missing permission to list all buckets (S3) (#17755)
  • Bugfix Unable to upload to buckets with uniform bucket-level access enabled (Google Storage) (#11766)
  • Bugfix Missing progress information when copying file (#11019)

7.10.1 12 Aug 2021
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  • Feature Support S3 interface endpoints (AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3) (#11735)
  • Feature Updated support for using proprietary REST API (
  • Feature Allow override of protocol specific settings in connection profiles
  • Bugfix Unable to access team drive set as default path in bookmark (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Login failure with file transfers using multiple connections (FTP)
  • Bugfix Downloads from HTTP server with no WebDAV extension support (CLI) (#11727)

7.10.0 8 July 2021
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  • Feature Preference to set default storage class (Google Storage) (#11521)
  • Feature Preference to set default bucket region (Google Storage)
  • Feature Preference to set predefined set of grantees and permissions for new files (S3, Google Storage)
  • Feature Support to set predefined ACL bucket-owner-full-control (S3, Google Storage) (#11697)
  • Feature Context menu in browser table header to select columns (macOS) (#11718)
  • Feature Allow selection of region when creating new bucket for third party S3 providers
  • Bugfix Recursive search yields no results (#11424)
  • Bugfix Canceled upload to a vault can result in an undeletable folder (Cryptomator) (#11696)
  • Bugfix Updated .NET Framework Installer (Windows)

7.9.2 27 May 2021
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  • Bugfix Failure opening application with previous application support directory symbolic link (macOS)

7.9.1 27 May 2021
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  • Bugfix Slow synchronisation of a large folder (#11676)
  • Bugfix Slow tranfer when using "compare" option for existing files (#11679)
  • Bugfix Downloads fail with error "The specified key does not exist" (S3) (#11670)

7.9.0 10 May 2021
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  • Feature New Big Sur style application icon (macOS)
  • Feature New "Auto" default option for number of connections for transfers
  • Feature Increased default to 5 concurrent connections for transfers for protocols other than FTP
  • Feature Allow toggling versioning configuration for bucket (Google Storage)
  • Feature Display and restore of previous file versions in bucket (Google Storage)
  • Feature Support cipher (SFTP) (#8554)
  • Feature Share file option to set public-read ACL on file and copy URL (S3, Google Storage)
  • Feature Tremendously faster uploading folders with many files to vault (Cryptomator, OneDrive, Google Drive, Backblaze B2) (#10849)
  • Feature Substantially faster uploading folders with many files (OneDrive, Google Drive, Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix Maximum number of simultaneous transfers not handled properly (#11001)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with China region operated by 21Vianet (OneDrive, Sharepoint) (#11415)
  • Bugfix Support Elliptic Curve (EC) based client certificates for authentication (WebDAV, Windows)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with OpenSSH for Windows (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Segmented download fail with longer filenames (Windows)
  • Bugfix Bezel style for popup buttons in window toolbars (macOS)

7.8.5 31 Mar 2021
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  • Feature Support ED25519 and ECDSA keys in the PuTTY format (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Large increasing memory usage when downloading files with segmeted downloads option (#11151)
  • Bugfix Faster transfer rate with segmented downloads option enabled (SFTP)

7.8.4 17 Mar 2021

  • Bugfix Missing log file configuration (Windows)

7.8.3 17 Mar 2021
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  • Bugfix Failure renaming files (OneDrive, Sharepoint)
  • Bugfix Optimize segmented downloads
  • Bugfix Allow resume of segmented downloads
  • Bugfix Ignore unavailable regions when listing containers (OpenStack Swift)
  • Bugfix Missing default connection profile (Nextcloud & ownCloud)
  • Bugfix Missing default connection profile (Microsoft SharePoint Site)
  • Bugfix Missing default connection profile (

7.8.2 26 Jan 2021
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  • Feature Updated application when running on macOS Big Sur
  • Bugfix Failure uploading large files with S3 compatible API (Backblaze B2) (#11233)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading large using legacy S3 compatible API (Google Cloud Storage) (#11547)
  • Bugfix MD5 mismatch error for uploads to Oracle Object Storage replacing object (#11548)
  • Bugfix Missing empty prefix parameter leads to permission error with IAM policy containing restriction on prefix (#11549)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Oracle Object Storage using path style requests (#10956, #11548)
  • Bugfix Failure listing files with shortcut pointing to deleted file (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Allow configuration of path for Nextcloud & ownCloud connections (#11540)
  • Bugfix Failure unlocking vaults on Google Storage (Cryptomator) (#11528)
  • Bugfix Fix SSL session reuse on data channel (FTP, Windows)
  • Bugfix Failure running application (CLI, Linux)
  • Bugfix Recursive search yields no results (Google Drive) (#11424)

7.8.1 15 Jan 2021
Download (Mac) Download Installer Package (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Provide armhf/aarch64 RPM and DEB packages (CLI, Rasperry Pi, Linux) (#10447)
  • Bugfix Missing folders in directory listing (OneDrive, Sharepoint)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Tencent Cloud Object Storage (S3)
  • Bugfix No file size displayed for files (Google Drive)

7.8.0 12 Jan 2021
Download (Mac) Download Installer Package (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Connecting to different libraries (SharePoint) (#11043)
  • Feature Default connection profile (Microsoft SharePoint Site) to connect so specific site (Sharepoint) (#10115, #11375)
  • Feature Create shared link for file (OneDrive, SharePoint) (#11373)
  • Feature Updated toolbar icons in Preferencs window (macOS)
  • Bugfix No attempt to authenticate using SSH agent (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Allow browsing filenames containing forward slash (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Allow accessing shortcuts for files and folders (Google Drive)

7.7.2 02 Dec 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Allow custom session duration for STS (S3) (#11265)
  • Feature Support for PreferredAuthentications in OpenSSH configuration (SFTP) (#9964)
  • Bugfix Exception reordering of bookmarks with drag and drop (macOS) (#11242)
  • Bugfix Crash opening QuickLook panel (macOS) (#11212)
  • Bugfix Temporary local file deleted after editing in external editor (#11086)
  • Bugfix Include port number when saving host key fingerprint (SFTP, Windows) (#11255)

7.7.1 19 Nov 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Workaround for crash on macOS 11 for some users (#11231)
  • Bugfix Failure connecting through jump server with alias in configuration for target host (#11227)
  • Bugfix Missing search field on macOS prior version 10.15 (#11234)

7.7.0 10 Nov 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

Mac OS X 10.9 or later required.
  • Feature Connect via SSH tunnel through bastion host with JumpHost configuration directive (SFTP) (#2865)
  • Feature Bookmark toggle control and search field moved to toolbar (macOS)
  • Bugfix Accessing CloudFront and KMS configuration ignores ~/.aws/credentials (#11175)
  • Bugfix Failure deleting folder placeholder in versioned bucket (S3) (#11157)
  • Bugfix Server connection timeout when moving or duplicating large files (Backblaze B2) (#11185)
  • Bugfix Certificate trust prompt regardless of override in keychain (macOS) (#11118)
  • Bugfix Failure saving credentials (CLI, Windows) (#11098)
  • Bugfix Unable to connect to cn-north-1 (S3) (#11197)
  • Bugfix Access shared files (OneDrive Business) (#11102)
  • Bugfix Read external_id from AssumeRole configuration in ~/.aws/credentials (S3) (#11229))

7.6.2 30 Sep 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Allow to set password for shared link of file (Dropbox, Nextcloud, DRACOON)
  • Bugfix Missing folders with delete marker on placeholder for buckets with versioning enabled (S3)

7.6.1 18 Sep 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Unable to authenticate using PuTTY Pageant (SFTP, Windows)
  • Bugfix Set modification date on uploaded files (DRACOON)
  • Bugfix Failure authenticating with proxy using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) authentication (WebDAV, Windows)

7.6.0 10 Sep 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Lock and unlock vaults using option in menu or toolbar (Cryptomator) (#10798)
  • Feature Support for using native REST API (
  • Feature Restore files in Glacier storage class (S3)
  • Feature Support for AES/GCM (, ciphers (SFTP) (#9809)

7.5.1 17 Aug 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Changes not saved when editing bookmark (Windows)
  • Bugfix Failure running application (CLI, macOS) (#11139)
  • Bugfix Navigation buttons in browser window do not work (macOS) (#11140)
  • Bugfix Upload files using S3 direct upload to encrypted rooms (DRACOON)
  • Bugfix Upload files to encrypted rooms (CLI, DRACOON)

7.5.0 12 Aug 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Interoperability with macOS 11
  • Feature Column for storage class in browser (S3)
  • Bugfix Use STANDARD for default storage class (Google Storage) (#11062)
  • Bugfix Switch to UTF-8 for encoding HTTP authentication header (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix SNI support for TLS connections (FTP) (#9257)
  • Bugfix Handle formatting errors in ~/.aws/credentials (S3)
  • Bugfix Crash accessing files with colon in name (Windows) (#11075)
  • Bugfix Support Team Drives for sharing files (Google Drive)

7.4.1 16 Jun 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Localize Croatian Localization
  • Bugfix Unable to use S3 HTTP connection profile (S3) (#11061)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading files with exactly 100MB file length (S3) (#11038)
  • Bugfix Failure opening when default application for .command files is not properly set (SFTP)

7.4.0 26 May 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support to access team folders (Dropbox Business)
  • Feature Support for eu-south-1 (Milan) region (S3)
  • Feature Support for af-south-1 (Cape Town) region (S3)
  • Feature Support for ap-east-1 (Hong Kong) region (S3)
  • Feature Support for me-south-1 (Bahrain) region (S3)
  • Feature Making requests to dual-stack endpoints (IPv6) (S3)
  • Feature Create new vaults in format 7 by default (Cryptomator) (#11040)
  • Bugfix Slow updating files after saving changes in external editor (#11004)

7.3.1 28 Apr 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Edit ACLs for files (Google Storage) (#11008)
  • Feature Support to set storage class (Google Storage)
  • Feature Support for Intelligent-Tiering class (S3) (#11031)
  • Feature Support for Glacier Deep Archive storage class (S3) (#10681)
  • Feature Allow selection of Glacier storage class as default for uploads (S3) (#10681)
  • Feature Support for shared files (OneDrive)
  • Feature Support for af-south-1 (Cape Town) region (S3)
  • Bugfix Missing URLs to copy of CDN distributions (S3, Rackspace)
  • Bugfix Reduced memory usage (macOS)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading files to vault in version 7 format (Cryptomator) (#11020)

7.3.0 27 Mar 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support for vault format version 7 (Cryptomator) (#10825)
  • Feature Labels for bookmarks (macOS) (#9719)
  • Feature Group bookmarks by labels in menu (macOS)
  • Feature Support TLS 1.3 (#10962)
  • Feature Support for ap-east-1 (Hong Kong) region (S3) (#10986)
  • Bugfix Download fails for files with whitespace in name (Google Storage) (#10931)
  • Bugfix Unable to access documents in Shared with me (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Read timeout after copying large file (OpenStack Swift)
  • Bugfix Repeated prompt for authorization code (hubiC)
  • Bugfix Immediate retry for failure with cached upload channel (Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix Set timestamp with X-OC-Mtime header (Nextcloud, ownCloud)
  • Bugfix Copy files to different bucket (Backblaze B2) (#10924)
  • Bugfix Allow downloading files marked as abusive (Google Drive) (#10377)
  • Bugfix Apply public read permissions to files selected to share (Google Drive)

7.2.5 01 Jan 2020
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Error downloading files from Microsoft SharePoint (SharePoint Server 2016)

7.2.4 28 Dec 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Certificate trust validation error (Google Drive, macOS)

7.2.3 16 Dec 2019

  • Bugfix Cannot open link to documents in Google Docs (Google Drive)

7.2.2 12 Dec 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Crash opening connection (macOS 10.[9-11]) ( #10892)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with providers only supporting path-style requests (S3) (#10888)
  • Bugfix Display certificates as sheet in browser window (macOS) (#10897)
  • Bugfix Recursive search shows no result (#10799)
  • Bugfix Error moving file to encrypted vault (#10803)

7.2.1 27 Nov 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Failure to open application on Windows 7+ (Windows)

7.2.0 26 Nov 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Failure validating hostname when connecting through HTTP proxy
  • Bugfix MD5 mismatch error for uploads (Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service) (#10879)
  • Bugfix Deprecated path-style request usage for (AWS GovCloud) (#10824)
  • Bugfix Default to use virtual hosted style to access bucket contents for third party S3 providers
  • Bugfix Optimize MD5 checksum calculation (S3) (#10278)
  • Bugfix Reload directory contents after editing file
  • Bugfix Failure replacing objects with blob type set to block (Azure)

7.1.2 29 Oct 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Folder showing no more than 1000 files (S3) ( #10811)
  • Bugfix Failure deleting folder recursively (FTP)

7.1.1 08 Oct 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Failure authenticating using SSH agent (SFTP) (#10800)
  • Bugfix Failure overwriting existing file (Google Storage)
  • Bugfix Missing hostname verification in TLS handshake when connecting through HTTP proxy

7.1.0 11 Sep 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

Mac OS X 10.8 or later required.
  • Feature Application running as 64-bit (Windows)
  • Feature Application package is notarized (macOS)
  • Feature Support for storage classes (Google Storage)
  • Feature Support to select region (eu, us, asia) for new buckets (Google Storage)
  • Feature Support to set lifecycle configuration on bucket (Google Storage)
  • Feature Support for me-south-1 (Bahrain) region (S3)
  • Bugfix Number of buckets displayed in browser limited to 1000 (Google Storage)
  • Bugfix Fails to authenticate where keyboard-interactive mechanism is not supported (SFTP) (#10714)
  • Bugfix Errors accessing Cryptomator vault (Google Drive, OneDrive)
  • Bugfix No route to host error with IPv6 only server (macOS)
  • Bugfix Allow to access files with non printable characters in key name (S3))
  • Bugfix Use AWS4 signature for pre-signed URLs for AWS in region us-east-1 (S3))
  • Bugfix Rate limit number of requests (Google Drive) (#10103))
  • Bugfix Repeated prompt to validate host key when connecting to non standard port (SFTP) (10772))
  • Bugfix Segmented downloads fail with longer filenames (#10726))

7.0.2 25 Jul 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Failure configuring CloudFront distributions (S3) (#10755)
  • Bugfix Failure authenticating with STS (S3, Credentials from AWS Security Token Service) (#10746)
  • Bugfix Explicit argument to unlock vault prior an upload (CLI) (#10352)

7.0.1 25 Jun 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Default protocol selection for NextCloud & ownCloud
  • Feature Create share links in NextCloud & ownCloud
  • Bugfix Connect with application key restricted to single bucket (Backblaze B2) (#10725)
  • Bugfix Missing files when previously trashed and restored (Google Drive)

7.0.0 05 Jun 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Segmented downloads with multiple connections per file (#10115)
  • Feature Allow password input in bookmark window
  • Feature Create download authorization for files to share (Backblaze B2)
  • Feature Make a file public and copy URL to share (Google Drive)
  • Feature Create temporary link (4 hours) for file to share (Dropbox)
  • Feature Create shared link for file (Microsoft OneDrive)
  • Feature Create download share for file or folder (DRACOON)
  • Feature Support to rename and copy files (Backblaze B2)
  • Feature Support to open SSH terminal in bash.exe from Windows Linux Subsystem (SFTP, Windows) (#10065)
  • Bugfix Existing metadata not displayed (S3) (#10647)
  • Bugfix Browser always shows modification time in UTC timezone (Windows) (#10629)
  • Bugfix Interoerability with Apache Sling (WebDAV) (#10598)
  • Bugfix Interoerability with SAP NetWeaver Application Server (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Upload fails with 400 error reply (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Wrong MIME type set for uploaded files (S3)
  • Bugfix Invalid signature for files with + or * character in key (S3) (#9914, #10679)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading files larger than 4GB (OpenStack Swift) (#10657)
  • Bugfix Fails to launch in the newly created virtual desktop (Windows) (#10467)
  • Bugfix Adding bookmarks for multiple accounts using OAuth (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive) (#10562)

6.9.4 27 Feb 2019
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  • Bugfix Connect button not working to initiate a connection (#10621)
  • Bugfix Multipart uploads fail if key begins or ends with whitespace character (S3) (#10628)
  • Bugfix Open OneNote notebooks in web browser (OneDrive)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading files larger than 100GB (S3) (#10612)

6.9.3 15 Feb 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix RFC compliant parsing of URI parameters (CLI)
  • Bugfix Failure displaying alert window for multiple consecutive transfer failures
  • Bugfix Checksum verification disabled by default for file transfers
  • Bugfix Add --login option to executed shell for "Open in Terminal" feature
  • Bugfix Disable transfer acceleration for AWS GovCloud (S3)
  • Bugfix Login using temporary tokens from STS to AWS GovCloud (S3) (#10594)
  • Bugfix Support auto-configuration from ~/.aws/credentials for AWS GovCloud and Amazon S3 China (S3)
  • Bugfix Modification date not applied when copying file between browser windows (#10592)
  • Bugfix Unable to delete incomplete multipart upload (S3) (#10568)
  • Bugfix Updated localizations

6.9.2 16 Jan 2019

  • Bugfix Failure using RSA/ECDSA private in new OpenSSH format (#10552)

6.9.1 16 Jan 2019

  • Bugfix Fix code signature designated requirement issue (Mac App Store)

6.9.0 16 Jan 2019
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Localize Estonian Localization
  • Feature Default connection profile for Microsoft Sharepoint Online (#10115)
  • Feature Support for eu-west-3 (Stockholm) region (S3)
  • Feature Improve listing performance for versioned buckets (S3) (#10426)
  • Feature Add --profile option to select connection profile (CLI)
  • Feature Add option to disable checksum verification for file transfers (#10215)
  • Bugfix Stop button to interrupt transfer (#10363)
  • Bugfix Save passphrase for private key in keychain only after successful connect (#10526)
  • Bugfix Failure authenticating with proxy using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) authentication (WebDAV, Windows)
  • Bugfix Failure authenticating with NTLM authentication (WebDAV, Windows) (#10556)
  • Bugfix Failure to read attributes of common prefix (S3) (#8724)
  • Bugfix Asks for OAuth authentication code on every connect attempt (Google Drive) (#10555)
  • Bugfix Transfers with many files to vault take a long time to finish (Cryptomator) (#10564)
  • Bugfix Cannot list KMS keys when using IAM Cross Account Roles (S3) (#10565)
  • Bugfix Updated localizations

6.8.3 01 Nov 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Refinements to dark mode (macOS) (#10508, #10510)
  • Bugfix Failure running script in Terminal. Not authorized to send Apple events to Terminal (macOS) (#10475)
  • Bugfix Upload action not enabled when server is not returning permission mask (FTP) (#10506)
  • Bugfix Large uploads requiring checksum of parts fail with network timeout (#10516)

6.8.2 17 Oct 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Failure transferring more than one file (FTP) (#10494)

6.8.1 11 Oct 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Interoperability with OpenStack Swift (S3 middleware) (#10348#10471)
  • Bugfix Failure opening (#10475)
  • Bugfix Crash when dragging multiple files (macOS) (#10479)
  • Bugfix Add One Zone-Infrequent Access storage class (S3) (#10481)
  • Bugfix Improvements to dark mode (macOS) (#10486)
  • Bugfix Smart card insert prompt displayed when opening connection (Windows) (#8595)

6.8.0 21 Sep 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support dark mode (macOS Mojave) (#10348)
  • Bugfix Display scaling is broken for some input components (Windows) (#10443)
  • Bugfix Missing session token when making the AssumeRoleRequest to obtain the cross account credentials from STS (S3) (#10432)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with AWS Snowball (S3) (#10458)
  • Bugfix No modification date displayed (Rackspace Cloudfiles) (#10446)

6.7.1 17 Aug 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Failure uploading to OneDrive Deutschland (OneDrive)
  • Bugfix Updated localizations

6.7.0 07 Aug 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support display scaling (Windows) (#8961)
  • Feature Improve user experience for versioned buckets, e.g. properly hide folders with a delete marker (S3) (#10357)
  • Feature Transparently support role­based access, including cross­account using AWS Security Token Service (STS), configured in the standard AWS SDK credentials file (S3) (#8880)
  • Feature Prompt for an MFA token during authentication when specified in the profile from the standard AWS SDK credentials file (S3)
  • Feature Interoperability with Microsoft Office 365 Deutschland (OneDrive) (#10291)
  • Bugfix Allow configuration of charset in bookmark (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Incomplete transfers (#10347)
  • Bugfix Skip checksum validation for files encrypted with SSE-KMS (S3) (#10371)
  • Bugfix Retain metadata on server side copy of file (S3) (#10341)
  • Bugfix Failure creating new vault (Cryptomator, OneDrive)
  • Bugfix Missing links in copy URL menu (CloudFront) (#10402)

6.6.2 04 Jun 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Cannot write to shared folders (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Repeated prompt for private key (SFTP, Mac App Store)
  • Bugfix Authenticating with password protected ed25519 private key (SFTP) (#10130)

6.6.1 04 Jun 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Crash attempting to add empty password to keychain (SFTP, macOS) (#10342)

6.6.0 30 May 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Use toast notifications (Windows) (#10268)
  • Feature Include shared items (OneDrive) (#10107)
  • Feature Add support to login with Shared Access Signature (SAS) Token (Azure) (#10321)
  • Feature Support to queue transfers (#9984)
  • Feature Create and delete team drives (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Cannot create new vault in team drive (Google Drive, Cryptomator) (#10324)
  • Bugfix Missing files in folders of vault (Google Drive, Cryptomator) (#10315)
  • Bugfix Application error when opening connection (DRACOON) (Windows Store)
  • Bugfix Disabled menu item to create new container (Azure)
  • Bugfix Disabled menu item to create new bucket (Backblaze B2)

6.5.0 01 May 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Improved performance accessing vaults (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Improved performance accessing files (Backblaze B2, Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Allow reuse of OAuth tokens (Cyberduck CLI, Windows)

6.4.6 04 Apr 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Fix use proxy configuration using PAC file (macOS)
  • Bugfix Disable extended master secret extension to allow session reuse for data connections (FTP-SSL) (#10276)

6.4.4 14 Mar 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Ignore 550 error replies for STAT (FTP) (#10240)
  • Bugfix Skip failures saving or finding passwords in credential manager (Windows)

6.4.1 23 Feb 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Cannot edit ACLs and metadata in Info panel (macOS) (#10226)

6.4.0 13 Feb 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support for eu-west-3 (Paris) region (S3) (#10207)
  • Feature Support for Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) authentication (WebDAV, Windows)
  • Feature Save passwords in credential manager (Windows) (#9988)
  • Feature Support authenticating with HTTP proxy (Windows)
  • Bugfix Support for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage (S3) (#10194)
  • Bugfix Do not save passphrase for vaults by defaults (Cryptomator, Windows)
  • Bugfix Application freezes for long time when selecting many files for upload (Windows)
  • Bugfix Set modification date on uploaded files (OneDrive) (#10171)
  • Bugfix Application hangs when selecting a large number of files for upload (Windows)
  • Bugfix Do not save vault passphrase by default (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Fix failures when attempting to read attributes of incomplete multipart upload (S3)
  • Bugfix Reloading directory after enabling "Auto detect" in preferences does not ask to unlock vault (Cryptomator) (#10214)
  • Bugfix Transfer labelled incomplete when segment required multiple attempts to finish (S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2) (#9552)

6.3.5 10 Jan 2018
Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Crash on launch in update checker (Windows)

6.3.4 10 Jan 2018
Download (Mac)

  • Bugfix Application error when opening connection to BigCommerce (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Preload CloudFront configurations for buckets to allow display of CDN URLs (S3) ( #10184)

6.3.3 09 Jan 2018
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support authenticating with HTTP proxy (Windows)
  • Bugfix Display of created date instead of modification date (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Custom disk icon from connection profile not displayed in bookmarks (Windows)
  • Bugfix Application error when opening connection (DRACOON) (Windows)

6.3.2 13 Dec 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Option to save passwords (Cyberduck CLI, Linux)
  • Bugfix Failure parsing permissions from MLSD reply (FTP)
  • Bugfix Signed links incorrectly URL-encoded (Triton) (#10151)
  • Bugfix Passwords not saved in keychain (SFTP) (#10159)
  • Bugfix Set modification date on uploaded files (Local Disk)
  • Bugfix Allow to switch to authentication with private key in login prompt (SFTP)

6.3.1 30 Nov 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support authenticating with HTTP proxy (Windows)
  • Feature Read credentials from AWS configuration file in ~/.aws/credentials (S3)
  • Bugfix Slow user interface performance (Mac) (#9970)
  • Bugfix Prompt for credentials when using public key authentication with agent (SFTP) (#10148)
  • Bugfix Failure opening files in vault on disk with long filename (Cryptomator, Local Disk)

6.3 15 Nov 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Support for DRACOON cloud service (DRACOON)
  • Feature Support for Google Team Drives (Google Drive) (#9928)
  • Feature Support for Joyent Triton Object Storage (Triton)
  • Feature Support for China (Beijing) region (S3)
  • Bugfix Allow custom endpoint with default connection profile (S3)
  • Bugfix Unnecessary password prompt for connection (Local Disk)
  • Bugfix Login where authentication is required with both password and one-time passcode (SFTP)
  • Bugfix File not found failure when downloading folder form vault (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Not possible to copy files between browser windows (FTP)

6.2.11 29 Oct 2017
Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Application crash restoring workspace (Windows)

6.2.10 27 Oct 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Option to disable auto-detect of vaults (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Login where authentication is required with both password and public key method (SFTP)

6.2.9 16 Oct 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Disable selection of client certificate in bookmark window when not applicable
  • Bugfix Rename and override exiting file (One Drive, Dropbox)
  • Bugfix Disable use of hashed hostname when writing to ~/.ssh/known_hosts (SFTP)


  • Bugfix Delete session when canceling upload (One Drive)


  • Bugfix Rename and override exiting file (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Reduce number of requests for uploads (Google Drive)

6.2.6 09 Sep 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Quick Look only works one time (#9889) (Mac)
  • Bugfix Disable notification for opened connection

6.2.5 07 Sep 2017

  • Bugfix Authentication using OAuth (Windows)
  • Bugfix Failure to read attributes (S3) (#10068)

6.2.4 01 Sep 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Provide URL references to Office 365 documents in browser (OneDrive)
  • Feature Disable Bonjour notifications
  • Bugfix Transfer progress stops updating (Windows) (#10042)

6.2.3 25 Aug 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Allow to resume downloads (Cryptomator)
  • Feature Allow to resume downloads (Dropbox)
  • Bugfix Failure duplicating files (FTP) (#10049)
  • Bugfix Failure with input prompt for username and password (CLI, Windows) (#10043)
  • Bugfix Failure to detect vault when moving files into locked vault (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Failure to detect vault when copying files into locked vault (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Checksum mismatch when downloading versioned file (S3) (#10055)

6.2.2 09 Aug 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Bugfix Failure copying files in vault (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Failure detecting vault when uploading, copying or moving files to locked vault (Cryptomator)

6.2.1 31 Jul 2017

  • Bugfix Default to WebDAV for http:// scheme in quick connect and CLI
  • Bugfix Selecting multiple files to copy URL will only copy first item in list (#10024)
  • Bugfix Quick Look only works one time (#9889) (Mac)

6.2 25 Jul 2017
Download (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

  • Feature Server side copy of files (OneDrive)
  • Feature Support for wildcard host entries in known_hosts (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Missing x-amz-server-side-encryption header when creating folders (S3) (#9378)
  • Bugfix Preserve content type when overwriting files (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Missing registered protocols (CLI)
  • Bugfix Long time preparing upload into vault (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Set charset for basic authentication scheme used for preemtive authentication (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Timeout uploading larger files (Google Drive) (#10010)
  • Bugfix Set checksum for large file uploads in fileInfo metadata (Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix Default ACL for new buckets has changed to private (S3)
  • Bugfix Failure duplicating files in vault (Cryptomator) (#10017)

6.1 28 Jun 2017
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  • Feature Search files fast without recursively listing directories (OneDrive)
  • Feature Search files fast without recursively listing directories (S3)
  • Feature Search files fast without recursively listing directories (Dropbox)
  • Feature Search files fast without recursively listing directories (Google Drive)
  • Feature Group protocols by type in bookmark window
  • Bugfix Interoperability with vault version 6 (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Missing content length header in uploads to SharePoint Online (OneDrive)
  • Bugfix Always trust invalid certificate setting not remembered (Windows)
  • Bugfix Unable to rename files larger than 5 GB (S3) (#9983)
  • Bugfix Handle expired authentication token (Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix "Open in Putty" toolbar button always disabled (Windows) (#9965)
  • Bugfix Updater ignores custom installation location (Windows) (#9782)

6.0.4 02 Jun 2017
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  • Bugfix Failure to upload to root of vault (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Disable x-amz-request-payer header for non AWS endpoints (S3)

6.0.1 30 May 2017
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  • Bugfix New connections do not authenticate (Dropbox) (#9932)
  • Bugfix Large file uploads do not resume (Backblaze B2) (#9935)
  • Bugfix Failure listing folders with whitespace (OneDrive) (#9937)
  • Bugfix Failure duplicating files (FTP) (#9933)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading files with temporary filename option enabled (Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix Failure connecting to local disk (Windows)
  • Bugfix Multipart uploads fail if the user lacks permission to list multipart uploads (S3) (#9948)
  • Bugfix Synchronize files in vault (Cryptomator)
  • Bugfix Repeated login prompt (2-Factor Authentication SFTP)
  • Bugfix Enable copy of text from log drawer (Windows) (#9952)

6.0.0 09 May 2017
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Press Release (en)

  • Feature Create encrypted vault interopable with Cryptomator (#7937) (Cyptomator)
    • Feature Encrypt uploads into vault
    • Feature Decrypt downloads from vault
  • Feature Support for Microsoft OneDrive (OneDrive) (#9799)
  • Feature Browse local filesystem in browser
  • Feature Support format for private key files (SFTP)
  • Feature Support format for private key files (SFTP)
  • Feature Configure lifecycle options for buckets (Backblaze B2)
  • Feature Copy pre-authenticated URLs (Backblaze B2)

5.4.4 (23962) 18 Apr 2017
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  • Bugfix Multipart uploads do not resume (S3)
  • Bugfix Field in login prompt disabled to enter authentication code (OAuth 2.0)

5.4.3 (23925) 13 Apr 2017
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  • Bugfix Interoperability with PROPFIND for listing folders (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Failed to generate HMAC (Spectra S3)
  • Bugfix Quick Look only works one time (#9889)

5.4.2 (23825) 04 Apr 2017

  • Bugfix Updated localizations

5.4.1 (23816) 03 Apr 2017

  • Feature Faster recursive delete with single operation for directories (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Reload OpenSSH configuration (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Revert lenient server reply parsing (FTP)

5.4.0 (23761) 14 Mar 2017
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  • Feature Search files fast without recursively listing directories (Google Drive)
  • Feature Add "Open single connection" option for file transfers
  • Bugfix Failure enabling download distribution (CloudFront) (#9870)
  • Bugfix Authentication failure when using PAM (iRODS) (#9872)
  • Bugfix Increasing memory usage when browsing folders
  • Bugfix Drastically reduced initial memory usage (#9878)

5.3.9 (23624) 01 Mar 2017
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  • Bugfix Failure dragging files to browser for upload (Mac) (#9860)

5.3.8 (23611) 01 Mar 2017
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  • Bugfix NTLM authentication failure for uploads (Sharepoint) (#9855)
  • Bugfix Selected client certificate cleared from bookmark after opening connection (#9842)

5.3.7 (23440) 13 Feb 2017
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  • Bugfix Include "Shared with me" files (Google Drive)
  • Bugfix Unable to add new item to metadata (S3) (#9844)
  • Bugfix Crash in periodic background update check (#9845)

5.3.6 (23386) 06 Feb 2017

  • Bugfix Crash for connections requiring TLS connection handshake (Windows CLI)

5.3.5 (23361) 02 Feb 2017

  • Bugfix Freeze of browser after idle timeout (#9829)
  • Bugfix Crash for connections requiring TLS connection handshake (Windows Store)

5.3.4 (23328) 31 Jan 2017
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  • Bugfix Error duplicating folders (FTP) (#9818)
  • Bugfix Cannot read distribution details (CloudFront) (#9823)
  • Bugfix Failure setting attributes for uploaded files with temporary filename option enabled (#9819)

5.3.3 (23221) 19 Jan 2017
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  • Bugfix Downloads fail with exception after completion (OpenStack Swift) (#9814)

5.3.2 (23205) 18 Jan 2017
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  • Bugfix Synchronize transfers fail with exception
  • Bugfix Repeat transfer failures due to HTTP request timeout (Backblaze B2)

5.3.1 (23190) 18 Jan 2017

  • Feature Availability in Windows App Store

5.3.0 (23185) 18 Jan 2017
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Windows 7 or later required.
  • Feature Use multiple connections in browser for parallel background task executions
  • Feature Choose certificate in bookmark panel for mutual authentication with TLS (WebDAV)
  • Feature Choose SSH private key from list in bookmark panel and login prompt (SFTP)
  • Feature Use marker and delimiter for listing files (Backblaze B2)
  • Feature Option to resume uploads (Azure) (#9770)
  • Feature Support for ca-central-1 (Montreal) region (S3)
  • Feature Support for eu-west-2 (London) region (S3)
  • Bugfix Repeated prompt for client certificate (WebDAV) (#9746)
  • Bugfix Modification of distinct metadata for multiple selected files (WebDAV, Azure, S3, OpenStack Swift)
  • Bugfix Modification of distinct permissions for multiple selected files (FTP, SFTP)
  • Bugfix Wrong default editor selected (Windows) (#9256)
  • Bugfix Failure sorting by modification date in browser (#9801)
  • Bugfix Invalidations for files with special characters (Cloudfront) (#9748)

5.2.3 (21496) 06 Nov 2016

  • Bugfix Crash opening Preferences (Windows) (#9749)

5.2.2 (21483) 04 Nov 2016
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  • Feature Toggle transfer acceleration for bucket in Info panel (S3)
  • Feature Support OpenSSH private key format for ed25519 keys (SFTP) (#8548)

5.2.1 (21373) 26 Oct 2016

  • Feature All embedded assemblies are cryptographically signed (Windows)
  • Bugfix Paginate directory listings (Dropbox)
  • Bugfix Ignore permission failure for reading transfer acceleration configuration (S3) (#9741)

5.2 (21317) 20 Oct 2016
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  • Feature Support connecting to Dropbox (Dropbox) (#6427)
  • Feature Tabbed windows (macOS 10.12) (#5998)
  • Feature Support transfer acceleration (S3) (#9570)
  • Feature Provide URL references to Google Apps documents in browser (Google Drive)
  • Feature Support for US East (Ohio) region (S3)
  • Feature Support for Asia Pacific (Seoul) region (S3)
  • Feature Support for Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region (S3)

5.1.3 (20962) 05 Oct 2016
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  • Bugfix Normalize (NFC) filenames (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Overwriting file creates duplicate (Google Drive)

5.1.2 (20920) 08 Sep 2016

  • Bugfix Crash importing bookmarks from ExpanDrive (Windows) (#9672)

5.1.1 (20904) 30 Aug 2016

  • Feature Allow connections with AWS2 signature version using connection profile (S3) (#9667)
  • Bugfix Cleanup temporary files on application exit
  • Bugfix Certificate trust error connecting to (S3) (#9668)

5.0.11 (20753) 02 Aug 2016
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  • Bugfix Resuming file transfer starts over and errors out (Backblaze B2) (#9598)
  • Bugfix Notification icon persists after application closed (Windows) (#9613)
  • Bugfix Missing CDN URLs in copy menu item (Rackspace Cloudfiles) (#9638)

5.0.10 (20675) 19 Jul 2016

  • Feature Handle URL events and open browser or start file transfer (Windows)
  • Bugfix Retain container permission when updating ACL after upload complete for file (Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix Display incomplete multipart uploads as hidden files in browser (S3)

5.0.9 (20675) 19 Jul 2016
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  • Feature Allow silent application update in background (Mac)
  • Feature Display in-progress multipart uploads in browser (S3)
  • Feature Importer for bookmarks from Transmit 4 (Mac)
  • Bugfix Allow to select encryption keys from KMS different from default us-east-1 region (S3) (#9617)
  • Bugfix Unconfirmed reads are unbounded (SFTP) (#9603)
  • Bugfix Mismatch for MD5 checksum when downloading large object (OpenStack Swift) (#8861)

5.0.8 (20624) 04 Jul 2016

  • Feature Register protocol handler for irods:// (#9614)
  • Bugfix Listing directory failure on folder with ~ in path (S3) (#9611)

5.0.7 (20604) 29 Jun 2016

  • Bugfix Missing upload notification after editing file (Mac) (#9596)
  • Bugfix Stale entries in directory cache when deleting folder (#9608)

5.0.6 (20566) 25 Jun 2016

  • Feature Signed application executable (Windows)

5.0.5 (20554) 21 Jun 2016

  • Feature Set modification date in metadata for uploads (Backblaze B2)

5.0.4 (20539) 20 Jun 2016

  • Bugfix Allow authentication with client certificate for empty issuer list from server (TLS)

5.0.3 (20504) 17 Jun 2016
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  • Feature Deleting multiple files concurrently (#9585)
  • Feature Set modification date in metadata for uploads (Backblaze B2)

5.0.2 (20379) 08 Jun 2016

  • Bugfix Fail to list directory with equals symbol in path (S3) (#9574)
  • Bugfix Failure to launch program (CLI Linux) (#9586)

5.0.1 (20379) 03 Jun 2016
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  • Feature Support for hubiC (OVH) (OpenStack Swift) (#7764)
  • Bugfix Support authenticating with multiple accounts (Google Drive) (#9567)
  • Bugfix Copying files using multipart API (S3) (#9578)

5.0 (20277) 25 May 2016
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  • Feature Updated user interface; new monochrome toolbar icons (Mac)
  • Feature Support for Google Drive (#6976)
  • Feature Support for Spectra BlackPearl Deep Storage Gateway (Spectra S3)
  • Feature Option to use AWS KMS–Managed Keys (SSE-KMS) for server side encryption (S3) (#9426)
  • Feature Default to use AWS4 signature version for authentication (S3)
  • Feature Repeat failed transfers for single segments of multipart large file transfer (S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix Retry transfer for 421 error reply from server with a delay (FTP) (#9368)
  • Bugfix No prompt for importing WinSCP bookmarks (Windows) (#9208)
  • Bugfix Signature mismatch for presigned URLs with AWS4 signing (S3) (#9317, #9479)
  • Bugfix Unable to negotiate acceptable set of security parameters (WebDAV) (#9452)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Atlassian Confluence (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Oracle Cloud (OpenStack Swift) (#9223)

4.9.3 (19798) 22 Apr 2016
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  • Bugfix Revert reading NTLM domain and workstation from environment (WebDAV, Windows)
  • Bugfix Fix crash in software updater (Windows)

4.9.2 (19773) 18 Apr 2016

  • Bugfix Fix application launch failure when running with disabled updater (Mac)

4.9.1 (19769) 18 Apr 2016
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  • Feature Support password change requests (SFTP) (#8821)
  • Bugfix Default path value setting in bookmark ignored (#9435)
  • Bugfix Excessive memory usage when uploading many files (#9439)
  • Bugfix Retry transfer when authentication token expires (Backblaze B2)
  • Bugfix Uploads use a lot of Class C transactions (#9417) (Backblaze B2)

4.9 (19631) 05 Apr 2016
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  • Feature Support for B2 Cloud Storage (Backblaze B2) (#9162)
  • Bugfix Creating new folders with SSE restriction fails (S3) (#9378)
  • Bugfix Unable to duplicate folders (#9383)
  • Bugfix Routing failure when connecting to IPv6 address (#8802)

4.8.4 (19355) 18 Mar 2016
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  • Bugfix Restore compatibility with OS X 10.7 (Mac)
  • Bugfix No such file error when choosing Rename Existing in transfer overwrite prompt (#9342)
  • Bugfix Disable updater when missing admin privilege (#9155) (Windows)
  • Bugfix Browser tries to expand files as directories (#9340) (Windows)
  • Bugfix Authentication always takes a long time (S3) (#9348)
  • Bugfix Certificate trust verification failure for four level domains (WebDAV) (#9358)

4.8.3 (19083) 01 Mar 2016
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  • Bugfix Fix use of unlimited strength cryptography for strong ciphers (SFTP) (#9325)

4.8.2 (19063) 29 Feb 2016
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  • Bugfix Installer may fail if newer Bonjour Zeroconf dependency is installed (Windows)
  • Bugfix Disable trashing file on overwrite download (#9298)

4.8.1 (19040) 25 Feb 2016
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  • Bugfix Restore compatibility with OS X 10.7 - 10.9 (Mac)

4.8 (19033) 24 Feb 2016
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Windows Vista or later required.
  • Feature Multiple connections for transfers enabled by default
  • Feature Recursively search for files (#8345)
  • Feature Support for key exchange algorithm diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (SFTP) (#8488)
  • Feature Support for key exchange algorithm (SFTP) (#8528)
  • Feature Support ssh-ed25519 host keys (SFTP) (#8553)
  • Feature Support for authentication with Keystone v3 API (OpenStack Swift) (#8813)
  • Bugfix Files greater than 100GB fail to upload (OpenStack Swift) (#9131)
  • Bugfix Changed fingerprint prompt and duplicate ECDSA host key entries in ~/.ssh/known_hosts (SFTP) (#8867)
  • Bugfix Certificate trust errors for DNS-named buckets (S3) (#3813)
  • Bugfix Search is broken always including folders (#9076)

4.7.3 (18402) 25 Oct 2015
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  • Feature Shared bookmarks and history with CLI and Mountain Duck in application group support directory (Mac)
  • Feature Importer for ExpanDrive bookmarks (Mac)
  • Feature Authentication with PAM scheme (iRODS)
  • Bugfix Files are damaged after being synchronized with mirror action (#8657)
  • Bugfix Certificate chain displayed not complete (#8885)
  • Bugfix Permission failure deleting files looking for interrupted multipart uploads (S3) (#9000)
  • Bugfix Support for Infrequent Access (Standard IA) storage class (S3)
  • Bugfix XML validation failure with AccessControlPolicy element (Google Storage) (#9002)
  • Bugfix Do not try list containers if default path is provided (OpenStack Swift) (#9038)
  • Bugfix Faster connection setup with many containers (OpenStack Swift)
  • Bugfix Failure uploading multiple files (iRODS) (#8911)

4.7.2 (18004) 07 Aug 2015
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  • Feature Delete incomplete multipart uploads when deleting file (S3) (#8920)
  • Bugfix Default size of new browser window (Mac) (#8906)
  • Bugfix Copying HTTP URL does not work (#8909)
  • Bugfix Crash in NSLog (Mac) (#8927)
  • Bugfix Unable to select private key (Mac) (#8928, #8933)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Oracle Web Center (#8953)

4.7.1 (17920) 07 Jul 2015
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  • Feature Invalidate multiple files using wildcards (CloudFront)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Ceph S3 (#8779)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Oracle Service Cloud (#8902)
  • Bugfix Second level cache not invalidated when reloading browser (#8774)
  • Bugfix Subfolder appearing inside folder of same name (S3) (#8769)
  • Bugfix Directory removal fails silently (S3) (#8803)
  • Bugfix Resuming upload with nested folders (S3)
  • Bugfix Routing failure when connecting to IPv6 address because of wrong default network interface (#8802)
  • Bugfix MD5 checksum failure for downloads (WebDAV) (#8798)
  • Bugfix MD5 checksum failure for large object downloads (OpenStack Swift) (#8861)
  • Bugfix Segmented upload marked as incomplete (OpenStack Swift) (#8859)
  • Bugfix Failure cancelling queued transfer (#8844)
  • Bugfix Copy & Paste menu items disabled (Mac) (#8849)
  • Bugfix Support retrieving files from buckets from Requester Pays Buckets (S3) (#8893)

4.7 (17432) 24 Apr 2015
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Mac OS X 10.7 or later required.
  • Feature Support multiple connections per transfer (#1135)
  • Feature Connecting with temporary access credentials from EC2 (S3) (#8610)
  • Feature Verify checksum for downloads if available (WebDAV, S3, OpenStack Swift)
  • Feature Using multipart when copying large files (S3) (#8616)
  • Feature HTTP proxy tunneling using CONNECT method (#76)
  • Bugfix Crash opening preferences window (#8617)
  • Bugfix Login with combination of public key authentication one-time passcode (SFTP) (#8597)
  • Bugfix Enable multipart uploads for all providers (S3) (#8677)
  • Bugfix Incomplete download of files with Content-Encoding header (OpenStack Swift) (#8656)
  • Bugfix Failure to download to mounted AFP drive (Mac) (#8670)
  • Bugfix Regular connection failures (OpenStack Swift) (#8634)
  • Bugfix Handshake failure because of missing strong ciphers to negotiate for TLS (#8703)
  • Bugfix Skip DNS resolution when connecting through proxy (#8733)
  • Bugfix Disable sending of keep-alive packets for interoperability (SFTP) (#8618)
  • Bugfix Repeating connection failures because of server closing control connection (FTP) (#8532)
  • Bugfix Filezilla bookmark importer fails to read passwords (#8694)
  • Bugfix Unable to enter IPv6 address as hostname (#8696)

4.6.5 (17000) 25 Feb 2015
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  • Feature Support for China (Beijing) region (S3)
  • Feature Drag bookmarks from history and Bonjour tab to default bookmarks (#2182)
  • Bugfix Some interface items not localized (Mac) (#8538)
  • Bugfix Uploading file removes shared access policy (Azure) (#8544)

4.6.4 (16610) 28 Jan 2015
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  • Feature Send packets to keep connection alive (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Crash opening preferences when default editor is no longer installed (Mac) (#8402)
  • Bugfix Downloading files with Content-Encoding metadata decompresses and truncates the content (S3) (#8263)
  • Bugfix Interoperability issue with MLSD replies (FTP) (#8511)
  • Bugfix Allow Web URL configuration for OpenStack Swift and S3 (#8516)

4.6.3 (16490) 17 Jan 2015
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  • Bugfix Occasional failure verifying donation keys

4.6.2 (16480) 15 Jan 2015
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  • Feature Recursively change storage class and encryption (S3) (#8421)
  • Bugfix Crash opening preferences when default editor is no longer installed (Mac) (#8402)
  • Bugfix Crash reading proxy settings (Mac) (#8414)
  • Bugfix No minimum size set for windows (Mac) (#8446)
  • Bugfix AWS Signature Version 4 for presigned temporary URLs (S3) (#8386)
  • Bugfix Transfer incomplete message uploading folder (S3) (#8432)
  • Bugfix Failure using updated password (#8463)
  • Bugfix Retain custom metadata when overwriting files (S3, OpenStack Swift) (#8469)

4.6.1 (16121) 18 Dec 2014
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  • Bugfix Uploads to buckets in eu-central-1 (S3) (#8375)
  • Bugfix Supporting both Project ID and Project Number for login username (Google Storage) (#8352)
  • Bugfix Failure to read attributes downloading bucket (S3) (#8388)
  • Bugfix Wrong timestamp in temporary URL (OpenStack Swift) (#8384)

4.6 (15810) 20 Nov 2014
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  • Feature Support PAC files for proxy configuration (Mac) (#2607)
  • Feature Add support for buckets in region eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) (S3) (#8302)
  • Feature Support authentication signature version AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 (S3) (#8302)
  • Feature Improved error reporting on connection failures
  • Feature Verify MD5 checksum for multipart uploads (S3)
  • Feature Disabled SSLv3 (HTTP)
  • Feature Improved performance downloading and mirroring files
  • Bugfix Connecting using authentication with SSH agent (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with SSH Tectia Server (#8166)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with Eucalyptus Object Storage (S3) (#8216)
  • Bugfix Reconnect on disconnect (#8205)
  • Bugfix Remember last selected directory per bookmark in upload and save panel (#8242)
  • Bugfix Edited file with unicode character in parent path does not upload on save (#8244) (Mac)
  • Bugfix Repeat failed networking tasks by default (#8237)
  • Bugfix Allow connecting to accounts with a multitude of containers (OpenStack Swift) (#8198)

4.5.2 (15055) 26 Aug 2014
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  • Feature Network diagnose option in connection failure alert (Windows)
  • Bugfix Folder contents in directory placeholders not listed (OpenStack Swift) (#8094)
  • Bugfix Use version 2 for sealed resources for compatibility with OS X 10.9.5 and later (Gatekeeper)
  • Bugfix Synchronize fails to add new local files (#8096)
  • Bugfix Wrong public key fingerprint displayed (SFTP) (#8173)
  • Bugfix Expanding a folder resets the scroll position (#7941) (Windows)

4.5.1 (14915) 26 Jul 2014
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  • Bugfix Connection failure when sandboxing denies access to ~/.ssh/known_hosts (SFTP) (#8102)

4.5 (14905) 22 Jul 2014
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  • Feature Connecting to Windows Azure Blob Storage (Azure) (#6521)
  • Feature New SSH/SFTP protocol implementation
  • Feature TLS mutual (two-way) authentication with client certificate (WebDAV, FTP-TLS) (#5883)
  • Feature Public key authentification using SSH agent (SFTP) (Mac) (#75)
  • Feature Public key authentification using Pageant (SFTP) (Windows) (#75)
  • Feature GZIP Compression (SFTP) (#123)
  • Feature ECDSA public key authentication (SFTP) (#7938)
  • Feature Notifications in system tray (Windows) (#8007)
  • Bugfix Broken pipe with uploads (S3) (#7964, #7621)
  • Bugfix 404 error response when downloading folders (S3, OpenStack Swift) (#7971, #8064)
  • Bugfix Repeated prompt for private key password (SFTP) (#8009)
  • Bugfix Open in Putty (SFTP, Windows) (#8063)

4.4.5 (14721) 10 Jun 2014
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  • Bugfix Failure copying folders from server to server (#7946)
  • Bugfix Sort order of bookmarks not remembered (#7959#7959)
  • Bugfix Duplicate files in synchronization prompt (#7645#7645)
  • Bugfix 404 error response when downloading folders (S3) (#7971#7971)
  • Bugfix Null pointer downloading symbolic link with non existent target (SFTP) (#7974#7974)
  • Bugfix Only single login attempt possible (WebDAV) (#7940#7940)

4.4.4 (14505) 24 Apr 2014
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  • Feature Default region selected in create folder panel (Openstack Swift) (#7678)
  • Feature Two-factor authentication (SFTP, Google Authenticator) (#7573)
  • Bugfix Support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 (Windows) (#7637)
  • Bugfix Failure validating some certificates with untrusted root certificate authority (SYSS-2014-004) (Windows)
  • Bugfix Could not generate DH keypair (FTP-TLS, Windows) (#7738)
  • Bugfix File segments not deleted when a large object is overwritten or manifest is deleted (Openstack Swift) (#7682, #7679)
  • Bugfix Re-authentication failure (Openstack Swift) (#7608)
  • Bugfix Downloading dynamic large object fails (Openstack Swift) (#7693)
  • Bugfix Cannot update ACL with anonymous grant (S3) (#7726)
  • Bugfix Could not generate DH keypair (FTP-TLS, Windows) (#7738)
  • Bugfix ACL not maintained when replacing files (S3) (#7756)
  • Bugfix UNIX permissions not maintained when replacing files (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Handle missing directory marker files objects on delete (Openstack Swift) (#7876)
  • Bugfix Make "Skip" transfer option only apply to files (#7653)
  • Bugfix Regular expression filter ignored for synchronization transfer (#7840)
  • Bugfix Provide X-Cdn-Ios-Uri (Rackspace Cloudfiles)
  • Bugfix Local file timestamp changed during file compare (#7789)
  • Bugfix Option to follow redirects on PUT (WebDAV) (#6586)

4.4.3 (14140) 28 Nov 2013
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  • Feature Support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 (#7637)
  • Bugfix Permission change for folders on upload (#7635)
  • Bugfix Some files downloaded get truncated (SFTP) (#7641)

4.4.2 (14095) 21 Nov 2013
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  • Feature Copy temporary signed URLs (Openstack Swift) (#7018)
  • Bugfix Fallback on missing bulk delete support (Openstack Swift) (#7603)
  • Bugfix Accessibility for blind users in Transfer window (VoiceOver) (#1343)

4.4.1 (13952) 15 Nov 2013
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  • Feature Large (5GB) object uploads (Openstack Swift) (#6056)
  • Bugfix Code signing requirements for embedded bundles (Mac)
  • Bugfix Temporary URL for containers with whitespace (Openstack Swift)
  • Bugfix Prompt to switch to secured FTP Connection always shows (#7510)
  • Bugfix Sandboxing denies access to SSH keys (Mac) (#7208)
  • Bugfix Partial authentication failure (SFTP) (#7536)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with WinSSHD (SFTP) (#7522)
  • Bugfix Softlayer connection profiles (Openstack Swift) (#7522)
  • Bugfix Prompt for known_hosts file if sandboxing denies access and store security scoped bookmark in Preferences (SFTP, Mac)
  • Bugfix Prompt for private key file if sandboxing denies access and store security scoped bookmark in bookmark (SFTP, Mac)
  • Bugfix Content type reset to application/octet-stream (S3) (#7598)
  • Bugfix Listing directory failure with missing permission to read symlink target (SFTP) (#7556)

4.4 (13577) 24 Oct 2013
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Mac OS X 10.6 or later required.
Intel (x86_64) processor required. Removed support for PPC and Intel (i386)

Press Release (en)

  • Feature Performance improvements
  • Feature No Java installation requirement (Mac)
  • Feature Resumable multipart uploads (S3) (#6208)
  • Feature Bucket lifecycle configuration to archive objects in Glacier (S3) #6830
  • Feature Keystone (2.0) authentication support (OpenStack) (#6330)
  • Feature Multiple region support (OpenStack) (#6902)
  • Feature Set container metadata (OpenStack)
  • Feature Edit non prefixed headers (OpenStack) (#7209)
  • Feature Support ECHDE cipher suites (WebDAV) (#7344)
  • Feature Select region when creating new container (S3, OpenStack)
  • Feature Confirmation alert on move and rename in browser (#595)
  • Feature Transfer action to skip existing files that match checksum, size or timestamp (#6500)
  • Feature Fullscreen option for browser window
  • Feature Remember window position of browser window when saving workspace
  • Feature Preview file status in overwrite prompt when choosing transfer action
  • Feature Option to continue or cancel on failure transferring multiple files
  • Feature Display download progress in Finder and Dock
  • Feature Enable website configuration for buckets (GreenQloud)
  • Feature Option to change default port for custom origin (CloudFront) (#5460)
  • Feature Upload with temporary name when saving from external editor
  • Bugfix Cannot edit non prefixed headers (OpenStack) (#7209)
  • Bugfix Sandboxing denies access to SSH keys (Mac) (#7208)
  • Bugfix Quick Look does not display preview (Mac) (#7231)
  • Bugfix Failure duplicating files (FTP) (#7224)
  • Bugfix Save workspace does not work for multiple browser sessions to the same server (#7213)
  • Bugfix Permission error for upload to write-only folder (#6240)
  • Bugfix Authentication with none password (SFTP) (#7322)
  • Bugfix Interoperability issues (WebDAV) (#7227)
  • Bugfix Subsequent edit fails (#7248)
  • Bugfix Omit absolute paths in archives (ZIP, TAR) (#6644)
  • Bugfix Connect mode fallback failures (FTP) (#5385)
  • Bugfix Directory placeholder not displayed if same name as object (OpenStack) (#6988)
  • Bugfix Cannot set custom keyboard shortcut (#7045)
  • Bugfix Registration with Growl fails (#7274)
  • Bugfix Changing permissions resets extended access rights flags (SFTP, FTP) (#3790)
  • Bugfix Remember browser column widths (#6034)
  • Bugfix Refresh list of third-party application bookmarks to import (#6141)
  • Bugfix PRET support not working anymore (#7427)

4.3.1 (11010) 03 May 2013
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Bugfix Modification date shown as 01.01.1970 (Windows) (#7177)
  • Bugfix Filename for edited file includes absolute path (Windows) (#7175)
  • Bugfix Change of default editor (Windows) (#7178)
  • Bugfix Change bandwidth limit (#7189)
  • Bugfix Always asks for permsission to access Keychain (10.6) (#7202)

4.3 (10949) 25 Apr 2013
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Localize Arabic Localization
  • Feature Retina resolution support (#6760)
  • Feature Notification center support (10.8) (#6792)
  • Feature Gatekeeper support (10.8) (#6888)
  • Feature Application Sandboxing enabled (10.7)
  • Feature Bucket location in South America (Sao Paulo) Region (S3)
  • Feature Bucket location in Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region (S3)
  • Feature One click setup for analytics with Qloudstat (S3, CloudFront, Cloudfiles, Google Storage)
  • Feature Multi-Object Delete (S3)
  • Feature Interoperability with HP Cloud (Openstack)
  • Feature Interoperability with Lunacloud Storage (S3)
  • Feature Website Configuration (Google Storage)
  • Feature Website Configuration (Cloudfiles)
  • Feature Edit container metadata (Cloudfiles)
  • Feature Reuse Session key on data connection (FTP/TLS) (#5087)
  • Bugfix Hangs editing file in external editor (10.8.2) (#6878)
  • Bugfix Moving folders deletes the folder (Cloudfiles) (#6442)
  • Bugfix Copy folder from server to server (#6440)
  • Bugfix Duplicate folder (#6495)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with latest API (CloudFront)
  • Bugfix Crash in Rendezvous resolver (#6814)
  • Bugfix Java optional install required (App Store) (#6090)
  • Bugfix Changes in editor not uploaded when choosing save on close (#6590)
  • Bugfix Versioning for directory placeholders (S3) (#5748)
  • Bugfix Duplicating file does not retain permissions (#6525)
  • Bugfix SSL hostname verification on HTTP redirects
  • Removed Dropped support Azure Blob Storage connections (Azure)
  • Removed Dropped support Dropbox connections (Dropbox)
  • Removed Dropped support Google Drive connections (Google Docs)

4.2.1 (9350) 12 Dec 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Bugfix Edited files not uploaded (#6399)
  • Bugfix Content-Type not set to proper MIME type of file on upload (WebDAV) (#6433)
  • Bugfix Transfer status not saved (#6430)

4.2 (9323) 28 Nov 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Feature Drag files between browser windows to copy files from server to server
  • Feature Support server side encryption (S3)
  • Feature Configure access logs for buckets (Google Cloud Storage)
  • Feature Interoperability with OpenSSH to read private key from keychain.
  • Feature Connect to multiple projects (Google Cloud Storage) (#5955)
  • Feature Support OAuth 2.0 Authentication (Google Cloud Storage) (#5955)
  • Feature Support US West (Oregon) location (S3)
  • Feature Try public key authentication login with default keys from OpenSSH (SFTP) (#3982)
  • Bugfix Performance improvement preparing files for download
  • Bugfix ETag mismatch deleting files (Google Docs) (#6204)
  • Bugfix Creating new file (WebDAV) (#6341)
  • Bugfix No error message when SFTP subsystem is disabled (SFTP) (#5902)

4.1.3 (9045) 28 Sep 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Bugfix Freeze after file transfer is complete (#6183)
  • Bugfix Connection failure to Eucalyptus Cloud installation (S3) (#6206)
  • Feature Copy streaming URLs (Cloudfiles)
  • Feature Option to set ACLs for Google Apps Domain (Google Storage)
  • Feature Option to set ACLs for Google Group Email Address (Google Storage)
  • Feature Allow setting non-metadata headers (Cloudfiles, Openstack Swift) (#6191, #6239)

4.1.2 (8997) 31 Aug 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Feature Rename files (Cloudfiles)
  • Feature Duplicate files (Cloudfiles)
  • Bugfix Select filename only without suffix in browser (#6158)

4.1.1 (8980) 25 Aug 2011

  • Bugfix Connection failure with email address as username (WebDAV) (#6066)
  • Bugfix Synchronisation comparison failures (#6074)
  • Bugfix Error listing folders (Openstack Swift) (#6089)

4.1 (8911) 12 Jul 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Localize Bulgarian Localization
  • Feature Replaced WebDAV protocol implementation
  • Feature Sort bookmarks by nickname, hostname or protocol (#5925)
  • Feature Set preferred default editor (Windows) (#5729)
  • Feature IPv6 support (Windows) (#5699)
  • Feature Enable access logs for custom origin distributions (CloudFront)
  • Feature Choose target bucket for access logs (CloudFront)
  • Feature Choose target bucket for access logs (S3)
  • Feature CDN (Akamai) configuration (Cloudfiles UK) (#5989)
  • Feature Filter bookmarks by comments (#5926)
  • Feature Upload arbitrary file types (Google Docs)
  • Feature Support trackpad gestures for navigation and selection (Mac) (#2793)
  • Bugfix Delete only trashes documents (Google Docs) (#5873)
  • Bugfix Wrong timestamp in transfer prompt (#5916)
  • Bugfix Uploading file to collection places it in root folder instead (Google Docs) (#5856)
  • Bugfix Support for extended character sets (Windows) (#6016)
  • Bugfix Limited to 10'000 containers (Cloudfiles) (6037)
  • Bugfix SSL version number incompatibility (#5061)
  • Bugfix Donation key validation failure (10.5) (#5846)
  • Bugfix CDN URL for files only available after opening Info window (Cloudfiles) (#6040)
  • Bugfix Interoperability (FTP) (#5866, #5949)
  • Bugfix Copy and edit filenames in browser (Windows) (#5336, #6039)
  • Bugfix Preserve modification dates for folders on upload (#6048)

4.0.2 (8601) 25 Mar 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Feature SSL URL for files in Akamai CDN enabled containers (Cloud Files)
  • Feature Transcript (SFTP) (#2944)
  • Bugfix Incomplete transfer synchronizing root directory (WebDAV) (#5662)
  • Bugfix Wrong version downloaded (S3 Versioning) (#5758)
  • Bugfix Wrong local path for uploads with file chooser (Windows) (#5590)
  • Bugfix Interoperability (FTP) (#5763, #5757, #5772, #5771, #5590)
  • Bugfix Uploads larger than 100MB fail (Google Docs) (#5712)
  • Bugfix Replace password for private key fails (SFTP) (#5754)

4.0.1 (8510) 08 Mar 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

  • Bugfix Uploading folders fails to create directories (#5749)

4.0 (8505) 08 Mar 2011
Download (Mac) Download (Windows)

Press Release (en)
Press Release (ja)

  • Localize Ukrainian Localization
  • Feature Version for Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7.
  • Feature Replaced protocol implementation (FTP)
  • Feature Connecting to Windows Azure Blob Storage (Azure) (#3938)
  • Feature Connecting to Dropbox
  • Feature Copy and paste files using menu item to duplicate
  • Feature Multipart Uploads with parallelism (S3) (#5487)
  • Feature Support new 5TB Object Size Limit (S3)
  • Feature Upload item in Finder context menu to upload selected file (Mac)
  • Feature Upload item in Services menu of third-party programs main menu supporting files and folders (Mac)
  • Feature Select bookmark to upload to when dragging files to application
  • Feature User interface to create symbolic links (SFTP) (#1724)
  • Feature Support for Asia Pacific (Tokyo) location (S3)
  • Feature Website endpoint configuration option for buckets (S3)
  • Feature CDN configuration for website endpoints as custom origin (CloudFront)
  • Feature Invalidation (Purge) of files in CDN (Cloud Files/Akamai)
  • Feature Skip option not available in transfer prompt (#1159)
  • Feature Open connection in PuTTY Terminal for current working directory (SFTP) (#5593) (Windows)
  • Bugfix Limit number of concurrent transfers (#5539)
  • Bugfix Qeued transfers start in random order (#5632)
  • Bugfix Dragging into topmost folder in browser (#1945)
  • Bugfix ACLs getting dropped when updating metadata (S3) (#5571)
  • Bugfix .CDN_ACCESS_LOGS folder listing is empty (Cloud Files) (#5350)
  • Bugfix Unicode normalization for filenames in upload (#5162)
  • Bugfix Duplicate file breaks editing (#5524)
  • Bugfix Large transfer history causes slowdown (#2889)
  • Bugfix List all files regardless of document ownership (#5570) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Images always converted to documents (#5601) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Preserve symbolic links in uploads (#1860) (SFTP)
  • Bugfix High CPU usage after transfer has completed (#5640)
  • Bugfix Multiple distributions created (CloudFront) (#5675)
  • Bugfix Passwords not saved when custom port set (#5623) (Windows)
  • Bugfix Switching application interface language (#5718) (Windows)
  • Bugfix Uploads with reduced redunandency fail (#5694) (S3) (Windows)

4.0 (Public Beta) (8071) 13 Dec 2010

Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 required.

Press Release (en)
Press Release (ja)

  • Feature Version for Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7.
  • Feature Connecting to Windows Azure Blob Storage (Azure) (#3938)

3.8.1 (7954) 06 Dec 2010

  • Bugfix Fails to display custom language preference (#5500)
  • Bugfix Clear data channels not supported (#5509) (FTP-TLS)
  • Bugfix Some files not displayed (#5505) (FTP)
  • Bugfix Wrong file size reported for uploads (#5503)

3.8 (7920) 03 Dec 2010

Press Release (en)
Press Release (ja)

  • Feature CDN configuration with custom origin server (Amazon CloudFront)
  • Feature CDN invalidation requests (Amazon CloudFront) (#5197)
  • Feature Connecting to Swift Storage (Openstack)
  • Feature FireFTP Bookmarks Importer
  • Feature CrossFTP Bookmarks Importer
  • Feature Perform MD5 hash calculation during upload (#5186) (S3, Cloud Files)
  • Feature Rename existing files on upload or download (#5117)
  • Feature Show last access timestamp in history (#3805)
  • Feature Synchronize comparing MD5 checksum of file (S3, Cloud Files, Dropbox, Azure)
  • Feature Display decimal file size (OS X 10.6) (#3771)
  • Feature Display relative date in browser (OS X 10.6)
  • Bugfix Slow SFTP transfers (#185)
  • Bugfix Reduced upload preparation time for thousands of files
  • Bugfix Connect through HTTP/HTTPS proxy (#5379)
  • Bugfix Support for S3Fox directory placeholders (S3)
  • Bugfix Support for Google Storage Console directory placeholders (S3)
  • Bugfix Support for s3sync.rb directory placeholders (#5374) (S3)
  • Bugfix Connect through HTTP/HTTPS proxy (#5379) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Changing storage class fails (S3)
  • Bugfix Apply ACLs recursively (S3)
  • Bugfix Apply custom HTTP headers recursively (S3)
  • Bugfix Interoperability (#2609, #4231, #2915) (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix SSL version number incompatibility (#5061)
  • Bugfix Preserve upload modification date does not work for folders (#3017)
  • Bugfix Uploading large documents might fail (#5411) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Web URL configuration fails for relative default path (#4012)
  • Bugfix Support CIDR styled patterns for hosts excluded from proxy settings (#5142)

3.7 (7380) 21 Oct 2010

  • Bugfix Crash importing Transmit bookmarks for some users (#5351)

3.7 (7367) 20 Oct 2010

  • Feature Option to upload with temporary name and rename file after transfer is complete (#4165)
  • Feature Copy files between browser windows with different sessions (#21)
  • Feature Option to display hidden files in upload prompt (#1243)
  • Feature Import Transmit favorites (#3073)
  • Feature Copy and open multiple URLs(#5135)
  • Feature Support for PuTTY private key format (SFTP) (#5322)
  • Feature Duplicate Bookmarks using drag and drop with option key
  • Feature Display only affected files in synchronization preview (#5226)
  • Feature Change update source to snapshot builds in Preferences
  • Bugfix Files pasted upload to parent directory (#5155)
  • Bugfix Uploading .xlsx or .docx documents fails with permission error (#5169) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Reading and writing ACLs (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Interoperability with cPanel Web Disk (WebDAV) (#5188)
  • Bugfix Downloading previous versions of file (S3) (#5217)
  • Bugfix Skip directories with matching timestamp from synchronization (#557)
  • Bugfix Not using proper storage URL (#5216) (Swift OpenStack)
  • Bugfix Proxy connection failure (#5239) (S3)

3.6.1 (6900) 07 Sep 2010

  • Bugfix Permissions reset (FTP) (#5132)
  • Bugfix Failure reading symbolic link target for directories (SFTP) (#5141)

3.6 (6890) 06 Sep 2010

Press Release (en)

  • Feature Connecting to Google Storage (Google Storage)
  • Feature Edit Access Control List (ACL) (#3191) (S3, Google Storage, Google Docs)
  • Feature Enable Bucket Versioning (#4511) (S3)
  • Feature Enable Bucket Multi-Factor Authentication Delete (#4510) (S3)
  • Feature Display previous file versions in browser (S3)
  • Feature Download previous file version (S3)
  • Feature Revert to previous file version (S3)
  • Feature Default root file (index.html) configuration for distribution (CloudFront)
  • Feature Eucalyptus Walrus support enabled by default (S3)
  • Feature Duplicate Bookmark (#3385)
  • Feature Import bookmarks from third-party applications (Filezilla, Fetch, Interarchy, Flow) (#3373)
  • Feature Copy directory listing to clipboard (#2372)
  • Feature Support for third-party terminal applications (#2987)
  • Feature Change SSH options for open in (#4232)
  • Feature Unsecure connection warning when password is transmitted in plaintext
  • Feature Alert to change connection to TLS if server supports AUTH TLS (FTP)
  • Feature Edit metadata for multiple files (S3, Google Storage)
  • Feature Menu items to copy HTTP, CDN, signed & authenticated URLs to clipboard (#4207))
  • Feature Menu items to open HTTP, CDN, signed & authenticated URLs in Web Browser
  • Feature Move and rename files and folders (Google Docs)
  • Feature Update size display incrementally while calculating recursively (#3213))
  • Feature Hidden preference to change SSH options for 'Open in' (#4232))
  • Feature Batch editing of S3 metadata (Google Storage, S3) (#5105))
  • Feature Show number of active transfers in Dock (#3808))
  • Feature Copy directory listing to clipboard (#2372))
  • Bugfix Improved interoperability with Eucalyptus Walrus (S3)
  • Bugfix Improved interoperability with Dunkel Cloud Storage (S3)
  • Bugfix Trust validation failure with self signed certificates for HTTP redirects (WebDAV) ( #2443)
  • Bugfix Drag and drop of a file over a bookmark to upload ( #4562)
  • Bugfix Connect authenticated to third-party buckets (S3) ( #4480)
  • Bugfix Connections stalls after long idle (SFTP) ( #5073), #4214), #3941))
  • Bugfix Dragging files for upload is slow (#4141))
  • Bugfix STAT fails for directories containing spaces in filename (FTP) (#2500))
  • Bugfix Upload to drop box gives file listing error (#2552))
  • Bugfix Incompatibility with Akamai NetStorage (SFTP) (#4015))
  • Bugfix Usability of changing permissions in Info panel (FTP, SFTP) (#3930))

3.5.1 (6115) 15 Jun 2010

  • Bugfix Crash opening Info window (#4536)
  • Bugfix Nested folder not visible (#4534) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Upload into folder not possible (#4550) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Downloading spreadsheets fails with permission error (#4538) (Google Docs)
  • Bugfix Replacing documents on upload adding new revision (Google Docs)

3.5 (6066) 09 Jun 2010

Press Release (en)

  • Localize Slovenian Localization
  • Localize Romanian Localization
  • Feature Google Docs storage support (Google Docs)
  • Feature Convert uploads to Google Docs format (Google Docs)
  • Feature Download format preferences for documents (Google Docs)
  • Feature Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for image uploads (Google Docs)
  • Feature Support for Asia Pacific (Singapore) location (S3)
  • Feature Support for keyboard-interactive authentiation using SecurID (#4459) (SFTP)
  • Feature HTTP plain text connection support to connect to third party S3 servers (#4181) (S3)
  • Feature Custom metadata attributes (#4063) (S3, Rackspace Cloud Files)
  • Feature Configure Access Logs for CloudFront streaming distributions (S3)
  • Feature Option for Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) (S3)
  • Bugfix Overwrite files causes append (S3) (#4419)
  • Bugfix Connect anonymously to public buckets (S3) (#4480)
  • Bugfix Help menu items disabled (#4406)

3.4.2 (5902) 10 Apr 2010

  • Localize Georgian Localization
  • Feature Choose localization in preferences
  • Feature Option to disable use of system proxy settings in preferences
  • Feature Allow arbitrary input for bandwidth throttle (#1746)
  • Feature Read hostname alias from ~/.ssh/config (SFTP) (#3819)
  • Feature Allow page setup configuration for browser view print (#4139)
  • Bugfix Connections fail with at sign in username (WebDAV) (#4097)
  • Bugfix SOCKS proxy support broken (#3803)

3.4.1 (5780) 17 Jan 2010

  • Feature Display checksum of files in Info panel (S3, Rackspace Cloud Files) (#4043)
  • Bugfix Incompatibilities when running on OS X 10.5 (#4102)

3.4 (5755) 16 Jan 2010

  • Localize Serbian Localization
  • Feature Support external editors with no ODB support for different file types ( #3834)
  • Feature Allow user to define applications to use for editing ( #3112)
  • Feature Configure Amaon CloudFront Streaming Distributions (S3) (#4069)

3.3.1 (5676) 05 Jan 2010

  • Feature Support for new US West Location (S3)
  • Bugfix Bookmark menu (#3924)
  • Bugfix SOCKS proxy support broken (#3803)
  • Bugfix Container listing limited to 10000 files (Rackspace Cloud Files) (#3950)
  • Bugfix Synchronisation does not transfer files with equal size (#3100)
  • Bugfix Selection in synchronize prompt (#3901)
  • Bugfix Bonjour bookmarks ignore TXT record with path and credentials attributes (#3984)
  • Bugfix Donation prompt cannot be suppressed (#3937)
  • Bugfix Error when uploading file with different display name from real filename (#4041)
  • Bugfix Quick Connect needs extra keystroke to connect (#3801)
  • Bugfix Password in non-default keychain are copied to login keychain (#2878)

3.3 (5552) 13 Nov 2009

  • Feature Octal input field for permissions (#13)
  • Bugfix SOCKS proxy support broken (#3803)
  • Bugfix Connect to default bookmark for new browser window (#3798)
  • Bugfix Excessive Growl notifications (#2388)
  • Bugfix Icon set explicitly for every downloaded file (#3824]
  • Bugfix Fails to launch with Japanese locale
  • Bugfix Duplicate files in browser listing when sorting by modification date (#3745)
  • Bugfix Wrong menu item font size (#3736)
  • Bugfix Various bugfixes
  • Feature CDN Log Retention (Rackspace Cloud Files)
  • Feature PPC support again available
  • Bugfix Some localizations broken (#3648)
  • Bugfix Various bugfixes and performance improvements
  • Feature 64-bit support
  • Bugfix Incompatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) (#3039)
  • Feature New application icon (Thanks to Dietmar Kerschner)
  • Removed AppleScript support
  • Removed Dashboard Widget

3.2.1 (4923) 14 Jul 2009

  • Feature Create placeholder objects for virtual directory (S3)
  • Feature Info window displays signed temporary public URL with a default validity of 24 hours (S3)
  • Feature Info window displays BitTorrent URL of file (S3)
  • Feature Option to enable Bucket Access Logging in the Info window (S3)
  • Feature Option to enable CloudFront Access Logging in the Info window (S3)
  • Feature Updated to Cloudfront API Version 2009-04-02 (S3)
  • Feature Access third party buckets using anonymous login (S3)
  • Feature Editable hostname to connect to third party services implementing S3 (#3125) (S3)
  • Feature Option to specify object expiration using Cache-Control header (#3185) (S3)
  • Bugfix MobileMe iDisk upload failures (WebDAV) (#3149)
  • Bugfix Overwrite action causes empty downloaded file (#3252)
  • Bugfix Status bar is draggable (#2159)

3.2 (4648) 26 Apr 2009

  • Feature Choose Time Zone for bookmark (FTP) (#434)
  • Feature IPv6 Interoperability with support for EPSV and EPRT commands (FTP) (#2539, #2885)
  • Feature UTF8 charset negogiation (draft-ietf-ftpext-utf-8-option-00) (FTP)
  • Feature Support for directory listings using MLSD (RFC 3659) (FTP)
  • Feature Support for Modification Time (MFMT) extension (draft-somers-ftp-mfxx-04) (FTP)
  • Feature Support for hierarchical directory structure (Mosso)
  • Feature Added Espresso to the list of supported editors ( (#2823)
  • Feature Display date of transfer (#1462)
  • Feature Display percentage transferred (#2618)
  • Feature Option for big sized icons in bookmark list
  • Feature Drag URL to browser window to open connection (#2326)
  • Feature Display realm of HTTP authentication (WebDAV) (#3083)
  • Bugfix Update passwords in Keychain (#2984)
  • Bugfix Only reauthenticate when needed (Mosso) (#2876)
  • Bugfix Invalid Origin parameter when creating CloudFront distribution (S3) (#3068)
  • Bugfix Improve Interoperability (WebDAV) (#2974, #3076)
  • Bugfix Different recursive permissions for directory and files (#1787)

3.1.2 (4500) 01 Feb 2009

  • Feature Enforce hostname verification (SSL)
  • Feature Improved container listing performance (Mosso)
  • Feature Updated bookmark icons (by Robert Curtis)
  • Bugfix Fix Amazon CloudFront distribution configuration
  • Bugfix Accept valid certificates without prompt if no explicit trust is given (SSL)
  • Bugfix Files not downloaded recursively (S3)
  • Bugfix Create and expand archives with space in filename (#2884)
  • Bugfix Incorrect CDN URI for public containers (Mosso) (#2875)
  • Bugfix Observe bandwidth setting for uploads (Mosso/WebDAV)

3.1.1 (4457) 10 Jan 2009

  • Bugfix Crash if no default login name is set in Preferences (#2852)
  • Bugfix Upload incompatibility (WebDAV) (#2858)

3.1 (4448) 08 Jan 2009

  • Feature Amazon CloudFront Support (S3)
  • Feature Cloud Files Support (Mosso) (#2745)
  • Feature Pre-configured protocol settings for MobileMe iDisk (WebDAV)
  • Feature Send arbitrary commands over SSH using the 'Send Command...' interface (SFTP) (#3)
  • Feature Archive and unarchive files and folders (ZIP, TAR etc.) (SFTP) (#2376)
  • Feature Clickable URL fields
  • Feature Set quarantine attribute for launch services of downloaded files
  • Feature Finder displays URL of downloaded files in 'Where from' in 'Get Info' window
  • Feature Download folder in Dock bounces once when download finishes (10.5)
  • Feature Read IdentityFile setting from OpenSSH configuration in ~/.ssh/config (SFTP) (#152)
  • Feature Default transfer setting for regular expression of skipped files includes GIT and others (#2829)
  • Feature Added QuickLook button to toolbar configuration
  • Feature Display Favicon for Web URL if available in bookmark window
  • Feature NTLM Authentication (WebDAV) (#2835)
  • Bugfix Uploads fail with digest access authentication (WebDAV) (#2268)
  • Bugfix Microsoft SharePoint interoperability (WebDAV) (#2223)
  • Bugfix Manually sorting bookmarks using drag and drop works for the entire row (#2571)
  • Bugfix Passwords stored in non default keychain are ignored (#2001)

3.0.3 20 Oct 2008

  • Bugfix Arbitrary Crashes (#2142)
  • Bugfix Symbolic links not parsed properly for some STAT listings (FTP) (#2435)
  • Bugfix Open Web URL fails (#2466)

3.0.2 10 Aug 2008

  • Localize Greek Localization
  • Feature Added transcript (S3)
  • Feature Added transcript (WebDAV)
  • Feature Support for faster directory listings using STAT command on the control connection (FTP) (#683)
  • Feature Display bookmark view for new browser window (#2252)
  • Feature Option in browser context menu to open selected folder in new browser (#2036)
  • Feature Option in browser context menu to add bookmark for selected folder (#2222)
  • Feature 'Add new bookmark' toolbar button
  • Bugfix Cannot select a SSH private key in login dialog (SSH) (#2221)
  • Feature Authentication with both password and public key (SSH) (#2203)
  • Bugfix Moving or copying files to another bucket fails (S3) (#2157)
  • Bugfix Folders collapse in outline view when refreshing (#2033)
  • Bugfix Cannot connect with empty password (#2109)
  • Bugfix Saving when editor exits does not upload edited file (#2120)
  • Bugfix Wrong selection with search filter in Transfer window (#2336)
  • Bugfix Stop button does not work during countdown to retry transfer (#2121)
  • Bugfix Transfers fail using AppleScript (SFTP) (#2244)
  • Bugfix Update Growl.framework to 1.1.4

3.0.1 18 May 2008

  • Feature Added Taco HTML Edit to the list of supported editors ( (#188)
  • Bugfix Cannot connect to servers with unknown host key (#2044)
  • Bugfix Cannot edit filename in Info panel (#2049)
  • Bugfix External editor failures (#2041, #2039, #2052, #2058)
  • Bugfix Missing resume option in transfer prompt
  • Bugfix Removed keep connection active feature. (#2057)

3.0 14 May 2008

  • Feature Support for file renaming and copying (Amazon S3)
  • Feature Support for copying files (WebDAV)
  • Bugfix Transfers larger than 2GB fail (SFTP) (#1235)
  • Feature Activity Window (#1250)
  • Localize Latvian Localization
  • Feature Quick Look files in browser (#1580)
  • Feature Set corresponding Web URL in bookmark. Open in Browser toolbar button (#1098)
  • Bugfix APPE command broken (FTP) (#1915)
  • Feature Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) support ( (#1725)
  • Feature WebDAV protocol support (#464)
  • Feature Search bookmarks (#916)
  • Feature Bookmark editor inside browser window instead of drawer
  • Feature Read trust settings for certificates from Keychain
  • Feature Different editors for different file types (#146)
  • Feature PRET (PRE Transfer) command support for distributed FTP ( (#684)
  • Feature Skip option not available in transfer prompt (#1159)

2.8.5 07 Apr 2008

  • Feature Added ForgEdit to the list of supported editors ( (#1779)
  • Bugfix Downloads no longer keep modified date (#1756)
  • Bugfix Leap year bug wen parsing date without year (#1813)

2.8.4 25 Jan 2008

  • Bugfix Crash when dismissing sheet attached to window (#1616)
  • Bugfix Resolving Bonjour names blocks user interface (#1657)
  • Bugfix Closing browser window during connection attempt blocks user interface
  • Bugfix Downloading to default download location when dragging folder to Finder (#1611)
  • Feature Add group ownership as optional browser column (#1590)

2.8.3 14 Jan 2008

  • Feature Log Drawer in browser and transfer window
  • Feature Toolbar button to open SSH session in current working directory (SFTP) (#1508)
  • Feature Added MacVim to the list of supported editors ( (#1322)
  • Feature Custom icon for executable files (#945)
  • Bugfix Frequent crashes (#1401, #1409)
  • Bugfix Does not change to correct directory when using a bookmark to the same server (#1411)
  • Bugfix Preserve leading and trailing whitespace when parsing filenames (FTP) (#1381)
  • Bugfix Directory parser compatibility with Webstar Server (FTP) (#1302)
  • Bugfix Directory parser compatibility with Freebox Server (FTP) (#1258)
  • Bugfix Directory parser compatibility with Trellix Server (FTP) (#1213)

2.8.2 11 Dec 2007

  • Feature Show transfer progress when using browser session (#1313)
  • Feature Accept relative paths in bookmark setting (#1167)
  • Feature Added MacVim to the list of supported editors ( (#1322)
  • Feature Ugly folder icons rendered (10.5)
  • Feature Back and forward history menu for browser navigation buttons (#1080)
  • Bugfix Writing corrupted entries to the Keychain (10.5) (#1354)
    Warning! Due to this bug you may have to reenter your passwords the first time connecting to each server
  • Bugfix Cannot drag files to working directory when there is no space left (#60)
  • Bugfix Bookmarks drawer remembers width (#371)
  • Bugfix Crashes after application launch (10.3.9) (#1339)
  • Bugfix Downloading multiple files with same name in outline hierarchy (#1400)

2.8.1 18 Nov 2007

  • Feature Application code is signed (10.5)
  • Bugfix Saving file in external editor does not cause upload (10.5) (#1244)
  • Bugfix Login failure with correct credentials (#1231)
  • Bugfix Failure to list directory on some servers (SFTP) (#1170)
  • Bugfix Transfers fails with punctuation characters in path (SCP) (#1265)

2.8 S10 ept 2007

  • Feature Using Ganymed SSH2 library (#185)
  • Feature Support for SCP transfers (#1043]
  • Feature Queuing file transfers (#986)
  • Feature Automatic retry of failed network operations (#783)
  • Feature Limit available bandwidth for transfers (#48)
  • Feature Browse folder hierarchy in overwrite warning dialog (#18)
  • Feature Browse folder hierarchy in synchronisation dialog (#18)
  • Feature Use small icons in the bookmark drawer (#--)
  • Feature Set the default protocol helper application for FTP and SFTP URLs (#1049)
  • Feature Setting default permissions for folders (#77)
  • Feature Notes for bookmarks (#67)
  • Feature Use system setting for connect mode (FTP)
    Warning! Make sure your setting in System Preferences → Network → Use Passive FTP Mode (PASV) is checked to get the same default setting as in previous versions.
  • Feature Added WriteRoom to the list of supported editors (
  • Feature Create known hosts file if missing (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Improvements to the synchronization dialog (#1189)
  • Bugfix Don't use SOCKS proxy if hostname is excluded in system preferences
  • Bugfix Resolve Alias files to upload (#859)
  • Bugfix Subsequent type-ahead selection misbehaving (#896)

2.7.3 12 Feb 2007

  • Bugfix Problem parsing PASV response from some servers (FTP) #779, #869)
  • Bugfix Stalls when connection is interrupted during DNS lookup #960)
  • Bugfix Improved sorting in 'Kind' browser column #993)
  • Bugfix Renaming files using Info panel causes repeated renaming #1005)
  • Bugfix Uploading folders interrupts file transfer (SFTP) #1001)
  • Bugfix Preference for auto-open delay for spring-loaded folders not saved #633)
  • Bugfix Preference to open new browser window on launch not used #997)
  • Bugfix Symbolic links on local filesystem not handled properly (#995)
  • Bugfix Send creation time of file with UTIME (#--)
  • Feature Clear command in History menu (#648)
  • Feature Preference to exclude files from transfers using regular expression (#511)

2.7.2 15 Jan 2007

  • Feature Option to use single connection for browser and transfers (#57)
  • Feature Option to remember open browser windows and reconnect upon relaunching the application (#59)
  • Feature Delay for spring-loaded folders can be set (#633)
  • Feature Calculate size of directory (#5)
  • Feature Duplicate files using option-drag (#150)
  • Feature Per bookmark setting for download folder (#158)
  • Feature Per bookmark setting to use single connection for browser and transfers (#--)
  • Feature Advanced settings in connection and bookmark window in disclosable view
  • Feature Added PageSpinner to the list of supported editors ( (#205)
  • Bugfix Disconnecting in the background not blocking the user interface (#--)
  • Bugfix Folders marked as inaccessible after timeouts and cannot be opened after reconnecting (#611)
  • Bugfix Applescript/Dashboard should not use separate session for transfers (#--)
  • Bugfix Cannot write to group writable files (SFTP) (#173)
  • Bugfix File length is set to zero if updating permission fails (SFTP) (#974)
  • Bugfix Directory listing is not refreshed when upload is completed after "Try Again" (#982)

2.7.1 29 Nov 2006

  • Localize Portuguese Localization
  • Bugfix Reporting error about failed to set permissions whereas it actually succeeded (#--)
  • Bugfix Fail gracefully on uploading when server doesn't support changing permissions (#--)
  • Bugfix Disconnecting from server could crash application shortly thereafter (#--)
  • Bugfix Outline view not updated after dragged files have been uploaded (#--)
  • Bugfix Synchronisation not awaiting selection from user (#--)

2.7 25 Nov 2006

  • Feature Don't block user interface when working in browser. All potentially lengthy operations are now performed in the background (#921)
  • Feature All (possibly stalled) operations in progress can be interrupted (#943)
  • Feature Improved error handling (#--)
  • Feature Failed network operations can be repeated (#--)
  • Feature A default bookmark can be configured (#915)
  • Feature Option to disable spring-loaded folders (#98)
  • Feature Individual settings how to treat duplicate files on uploads and downloads (#500)
  • Feature Callback to alternate connect mode upon failure (FTP) (#83)
  • Feature Add 'Download To...' menu option to download multiple files into designated, non-default directory (#909)
  • Feature The bottom of the browser window shows the security status (#9)
  • Feature Improvements to the AppleScript dictionary (#737), (#918), (#878), (#922)
  • Feature When duplicating files, propose a filename containing the current date and time (#912)
  • Feature Added JarInspector to the list of supported editors ( (#--)
  • Bugfix Honor the existing permissions when replacing files (#--)

2.6.2 07 Sep 2006

  • Bugfix Crash when typing hostname in connection dialog for some users (#711)
  • Bugfix Type-ahead selection not working for non-alphanumeric characters (#271)
  • Bugfix Control click discards multiple selection (#649)
  • Bugfix Timeout too slow giving I/O errors on slow connections (#714)
  • Bugfix Passwords stored in Keychain not accessible by other applications (#708)
  • Bugfix FTP URLs passed by another application pointing at folders fail to open (#704)

2.6.1 11 Aug 2006

  • Bugfix Crash or spinning beachball after upload (#504)
  • Bugfix Active mode connections broken (FTP) (#450
  • Bugfix Removed graphical error messages for the sake of simplicity; displayed in log drawer instead (#524, #580)
  • Bugfix Hostname reachability check slow and blocking user interface (#572, #575)
  • Bugfix Fails to delete folders recursively in some cases (#533)
  • Bugfix Unilingual builds broken (#436)
  • Bugfix Cannot delete symbolic links (#616)

2.6 07 Jun 2006

  • Localize Turkish Localization
  • Feature Automatic software update with Sparkle.framework (Thanks to Andy Matuschak!) (#300)
  • Feature Dashboard Widget included (Thanks to Claudio Procida!)
  • Feature Marking write-only and non-accessible directories with special icon as in
  • Feature Reintroduced transcript drawer in browser window (#104)
  • Feature Added transcript drawer to transfer window (#375)
  • Feature Option to use Network Diagnostics upon failed connections
  • Feature New 'Download failed' and 'Upload failed' Growl notifications (#362)
  • Feature Display alert icon in connection dialog if server name cannot be resolved
  • Feature Indicate estimated remaining time left for transfers (#43)
  • Feature New non-blocking alert boxes replace modal sheets
  • Bugfix Stalled connection and file transfer attempts can be interrupted (#55)
  • Bugfix Cannot delete empty folders (#162)
  • Bugfix Cannot use login username with colon (#309)
  • Bugfix Certain operations trigger change of character encoding to default
  • Bugfix Unable to delete directory from server (#256)
  • Bugfix Permission errors when downloading files from read-only directories (#264)
  • Bugfix Change download keyboard shortcut (#277)
  • Bugfix Character encoding issues (#238, #333, #361, #390)
  • Bugfix Improved compatibility with certain FTP servers
  • Bugfix Cannot upload files to drop boxes (#421)

2.5.5 01 Mar 2006

  • Localize Hebrew Localization
  • Bugfix Excape key cancels editing (#190)
  • Bugfix Adjust permissions on created folders when transferring files (#77)
  • Bugfix Cannot write to group writable files (SFTP) (#173)
  • Bugfix Spotlight binary not executable (#212)
  • Feature Added options to use Cyberduck as a portable application (see (#180)
  • Feature New Crash Reporter (Thanks to M. Uli Kusterer!) (#195)
  • Feature Added skEdit to the list of supported editors (

2.5.4 20 Jan 2006

  • Localize Thai Localization
  • Bugfix Random crashes (#65, #94, #96, #121, #122)
  • Bugfix High load while downloading (#12)

2.5.3 03 Jan 2006

  • Feature New and much improved Bonjour implementation
  • Feature Inline rename files in browser (Return key invokes editing)
  • Feature Paste files copied in (Upload)
  • Feature Includes Unsanity Crash Reporter
  • Bugfix Renaming files in expanded tree of outline view bogus
  • Bugfix Change to invalid directories not catched
  • Bugfix Second login attempt always fails (SFTP)

2.5.2 18 Nov 2005

  • Bugfix Spinning beachball of death when connecting on some systems
  • Bugfix Better validating drop targets in browser

2.5.1 14 Nov 2005

  • Feature Dragging files to application icon will upload to frontmost browser
  • Feature Printing browser view
  • Bugfix Child items not refreshed properly in outline view
  • Bugfix Warning before overwrite when moving or renaming files
  • Bugfix Dragging files to the places them at the dropped position
  • Bugfix Always selecting parent directory as drop target when dragging to outline view
  • Bugfix Updated application and document icon
  • Bugfix Number of files in browser window not displayed correctly
  • Bugfix Don't recurse into directories when deleting symbolic links
  • Bugfix Overwriting group writable files

2.5 29 Aug 2005

Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later required.
Support for Intel (i386) processor.
  • Feature Universal Binary
  • Feature Graphical interface refinements
  • Bugfix Caching issue with multiple connections to the same host
  • Bugfix When moving to the parent directory the previous working directory is always selected
  • Bugfix Selected files are always remembered when refreshing the browsing list
  • Bugfix Remove custom icon and resource fork after download
  • Feature Updated navigation bar interface elements
  • Bugfix Vastly improved performance when listing directories
  • Bugfix Do not reconnect if connecting to the same host from a different bookmark
  • Bugfix Sorting history menu correctly
  • Bugfix Refresh issues in outline view
  • Localize Catalan Localization
  • Feature Spotlight Importer for bookmarks
  • Feature Synchronize bookmarks with .Mac
  • Feature Send custom commands to server (FTP)
  • Feature Auto scrolling log view
  • Feature Updated application icon (Thanks to Admiral Potato)
  • Bugfix New connection dialog remembers field values
  • Bugfix Correctly parsing filenames beginning with whitespace (FTP)
  • Bugfix Don't allow editing files with well known binary file type extensions
  • Bugfix Excluding individual files when synchronising
  • Bugfix Improved stability using outline view
  • Bugfix Remember sorted column and direction
  • Bugfix Sort child items in browser outline view
  • Localize Indonesian Localization
  • Bugfix Resorting browser view will not change selection
  • Bugfix Remember state of expanded items in outline view
  • Bugfix Applescript issues
  • Feature Updated to Growl 0.7
  • Feature Edit menu shows all available editors
  • Feature FTP using TLS support (using AUTH TLS as in draft-murray-auth-ftp-ssl-16) for the control channel (sending login credentials) and optionally the data channel (file listings and transfers) if the server is capable of.
  • Feature Store X.509 certificates in Keychain
  • Feature Custom icon with progressbar in the Finder when downloading files
  • Feature Browser outline view
  • Feature Toolbar button to switch view
  • Feature History of recently connected hosts
  • Feature Set character encoding per bookmark
  • Feature Set connect mode (active/passive) per bookmark (FTP)
  • Feature Show folders in working directory (and autocomplete) in 'Go to Folder' dialog
  • Feature Exclude duplicate files from transfer upon alert
  • Feature Apply button in file info dialog
  • Feature Duplicate files on server
  • Feature Preferences window with toolbar
  • Feature Option to turn off disconnect prompt in Preferences
  • Feature Option to keep connection alive in Preferences
  • Feature Choose character encoding in connection dialog
  • Feature Choose connect mode in connection dialog (FTP)
  • Feature Drop down list of folders in Goto dialog
  • Feature Sorting files by permission
  • Feature UTF-8 is now used as the default character encoding
  • Feature Edit with non-default editor using the browser context menu

2.4.6 30 May 2005

Mac OS X 10.3 or later required.
  • Bugfix Right-click a file in the browser will first select before it displays the contextual menu
  • Bugfix Transfer success notification when remote editing file even when transfer fails (Growl)
  • Bugfix Resolved incompatibility with SSH-1 keys in ~/.ssh/known_hosts (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Applescript compatibility issues with 10.4
  • Bugfix Browser column width compatiblity issues with 10.4
  • Bugfix Could not drag bookmark file to drawer when empty
  • Bugfix Ignored custom port when selecting bookmark in connection dialog

2.4.5 04 May 2005

  • Feature Added Tag to the list of supported editors (
  • Bugfix No permissions set on transferred files when connection closed unexpectedly (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Resuming uploads might corrupt files (SFTP)

2.4.4 27 Apr 2005

  • Localize Danish Localization
  • Localize Polish Localization
  • Feature Added CSSEdit to the list of supported editors (
  • Feature Added CotEditor to the list of supported editors (
  • Feature Gray out files in browser view when disconnected
  • Bugfix Unexpected null reply received (FTP)

2.4.3 11 Apr 2005

  • Bugfix Browser refresh issues
  • Bugfix Synchronization
  • Localize Hungarian Localization
  • Bugfix Modification date changed when uploading files from the external editor
  • Bugfix Browser window could lock up when reconnecting and login was needed
  • Feature Disconnect item in menubar

2.4 28 Mar 2005

  • Localize Swedish Localization
  • Feature Additional encryption ciphers supported (SFTP)
  • Feature Action dropdown menu in toolbar
  • Feature Added Jedit X to the list of supported editors (
  • Feature Added mi to the list of supported editors (
  • Feature Added Smultron to the list of supported editors (
  • Bugfix Rendezvous implementation updated
  • Bugfix Folder to synchronize not selectable in some cases
  • Bugfix Fallback to default directory when specified directory doesn't exist
  • Bugfix Resolved incompatibility with SSH-1 keys in ~/.ssh/known_hosts (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Resolved crash in info window when group was unknown
  • Bugfix Dragging files to the Finder
  • Bugfix Reordering bookmarks
  • Bugfix SSH exception handling (SFTP)
  • Bugfix Bookmark selection in connection dialog
  • Bugfix Items in transfer window not removed
  • Bugfix Deleting more than one bookmark at once
  • Bugfix Corrupted resource files in Chinese localization
  • Bugfix Corrupted resource files in Japanese localization
  • Localize Russian Localization
  • Feature Preliminary AppleScript support (see .scpt script samples)
  • Feature Quick Connect field and hostname field in connection dialog accept URLs as input
  • Feature Reordering bookmarks using drag and drop
  • Bugfix Deleting more than 10 files at once
  • Bugfix Typing in transfer window causes crash
  • Bugfix Transcript causes crash
  • Bugfix Reporting correct file size for large files
  • Bugfix Disable resume on ASCII transfers (FTP)
  • Bugfix Incompatibility with Filezilla Server (FTP)
  • Bugfix Synchronizing current working directory
  • Bugfix Graceful failure on SSH connection problems
  • Bugfix Correctly resolving '~' in filenames
  • Feature Allow the selection of files in the browser by typing more than just the first character of the filename
  • Feature A bookmark in the drawer can be selected by typing its hostname
  • Feature Preserve the modification date on upload (SFTP)
  • Feature Preserve the modification date on upload if the server supports 'CHMOD UTIME' (FTP)
  • Bugfix Determine changed files based on modification date when synchronizing
  • Bugfix Opening an URL linking to a file opens a browser window
  • Bugfix Changing the username of a newly created bookmark of a connected server might affect an existing bookmark of the same server but with a different username.
  • Bugfix Logging the response of 'LIST' (FTP)
  • Bugfix Selection of bookmark in connection dialog
  • Bugfix Performance issue in log view (thanks to Douglas Davidson)
  • Feature Live scrolling log view
  • Feature Synchronization of files
  • Feature Create new files on server
  • Feature Support for Novell Netware file listings (FTP)
  • Feature Growl notification support (see
  • Feature Limit number of concurrent connections to a remote host
  • Feature Move remote files with copy & paste
  • Feature Select a file in the browser by typing its first character
  • Feature Put remote files into the transfer queue with copy & paste
  • Feature Apply permissions recursively
  • Feature Option to apply default permissions to transferred files in Preferences
  • Feature Option to preserve modification date on download in Preferences
  • Feature Switch encoding per browser with menu or toolbar item
  • Feature Switch 'Show hidden files' per browser with menu or toolbar item
  • Feature Transfer Queue with "Aqua" progress indicator
  • Feature Provide a proxy icon for the connection in the window title bar
  • Feature The proxy icon in the window title bar can then be dragged to the bookmark drawer or the Finder
  • Feature Bookmarks of recently connected hosts are saved in ~/Library/Application Support/Cyberduck/History
  • Feature Updated toolbar icons (Thanks to Matt Ball)
  • Feature Display the number of files in the browser
  • Feature Added TextMate to the list of supported editors (see
  • Feature Dialog for duplicated files lists all at once instead of consecutively asking
  • Feature Filter field is now a standard search field
  • Feature Read bookmarks from "/Library/Application Support/Cyberduck/" instead of the individual user bookmarks file if available
  • Feature Check for running transfers on application quit
  • Feature Updated FTP core (FTP)
  • Feature Saving passwords as 'Internet Password' in the Keychain
  • Localize Norwegian Localization
  • Bugfix Update existing browsers when changing the default interface attributes in the Preferences
  • Bugfix Don't cache DNS lookups forever
  • Bugfix Bookmark drawer icon has no text-only equivalent
  • Bugfix Tabbing between browser and filter box
  • Bugfix Quick Connect Field has initial focus
  • Bugfix Live scrolling log view

2.3.3 09 Aug 2004

Mac OS X 10.2 or later required.
  • Bugfix Correctly parsing symbolic links

2.3.2 05 Aug 2004

  • Feature Slovak Localization
  • Feature Czech Localization
  • Feature Support for EPFL file listings to support servers running "publicfile" (FTP)
  • Bugfix Improved PASV response parsing (FTP)
  • Feature Supporting SOCKS proxies (not tested)
  • Feature Change file permissions on multiple files
  • Feature Copy the URL of a remote site
  • Bugfix Use date formatting rules set in the System Preferences
  • Feature Preference item to set the action when double-clicking files (Download or edit)
  • Bugfix Remembering the position of the browser window
  • Bugfix Compatibility with servers not supporting the SIZE command (FTP)

2.3.1 J15 une 2004

  • Localize Chinese (Simplified) Localization
  • Feature Rendezvous services in Bookmark menu
  • Bugfix Upper level directories had to be listed first when uploading files
  • Bugfix Changes to bookmarks won't be saved
  • Bugfix Preference item to disable the update check
  • Bugfix Toolbar item to open downloaded files with default application
  • Bugfix Graceful application termination (Properly ask to close all connections and then quit)
  • Bugfix Remembering chosen directories in open and save dialogs

2.3 15 May 2004

  • Feature Supporting Keyboard Interactive (PAM) Authentication (SSH)
  • Localize Finnish Localization
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug which caused not all available Rendezvous services to get listed
  • Bugfix Removed 'Type ahead' feature of the browser (responsible for frequent crashes)
  • Feature Much improved queue management (fewer connections)
  • Feature Resume downloads (SFTP)
  • Feature Resume uploads (SFTP)
  • Feature Resume uploads (FTP)
  • Feature Move files on remote host by drag and drop
  • Feature Drag files onto bookmark to quickly upload
  • Feature Bookmarks are shown in the menu
  • Feature Menu item 'Download As...'
  • Feature Editing multiple files in the external editor with the same name
  • Feature Warning if a duplicate exists when uploading files
  • Feature 'Apply to all' checkbox in dialog asking for replace/resume/skip existing files
  • Feature Improved caching of directory listings
  • Feature When dropping files onto folders it will upload these into the folder
  • Feature When typing the first letter of a file it gets selected in the browser
  • Feature Toolbar button to remove all completed items from the queue
  • Feature Convert line endings when downloading in ASCII mode (FTP)
  • Feature Auto transfer mode (FTP)
  • Feature Dock menu item to open new browser
  • Bugfix Correctly updating incorrect keychain entries
  • Bugfix Preserve modification date when downloading files
  • Bugfix Ignoring .DS_Store files
  • Feature External editor support (SubEthaEdit, BBEdit, TextWrangler, Text-Edit Plus)

2.2 06 Mar 2004

  • Feature Supporting folders with sticky/set-uid/set-gid bits (FTP)
  • Localize Updated Dutch localization
  • Localize Updated French localization
  • Feature Preliminary support for Windows, VMS and OS/2 file listings (FTP)
  • Properly deleting symbolic links (FTP)
  • Feature Displaying link icons in browser
  • Bugfix Downloading files from FTP servers not supporting the SIZE command (FTP)
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where overwritten files with SFTP got corrupted (Thanks to Jan!)
  • Feature Contextual Menu support
  • Bugfix Bug fixes
  • Localize Chinese (Traditional) Localization
  • Localize Korean Localization
  • Feature Passphrases for private key files are stored in the Keychain (SSH)
  • Feature Bookmark editor allows to specify the port number
  • Feature When a bookmark is edited, the properties are updated in the bookmark drawer instantly
  • Feature A confirmation dialog is displayed before deleting a bookmark
  • Feature A confirmation dialog is displayed when connecting to a new site in a browser still connected to another host
  • Bugfix Transcript messages are only shown in the corresponding browser
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug which caused the browser window to be 'frozen' after an upload
  • Feature Option to adjust the 'LIST' command sent (FTP)
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug which caused a crash when not connected to a network
  • Feature Updated application icon
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug that with some servers the permissions could not be modified (FTP)
  • Bugfix When adding a transfer to the queue it is highlighted
  • Bugfix Improved login process
  • Localize Updated Japanese localization
  • Feature Caching folder listings
  • Bugfix Auto-refresh the folder listing after uploading a file
  • Feature Sending 'LIST -a' to list directories (FTP)
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where entries in the queue would be deleted too early
  • Localize Updated Japanese localization
  • Localize Updated French localization
  • Localize Updated Portuguese localization
  • Localize Updated Italian localization
  • Bugfix The log is now written with a fixed-width font
  • Feature Keychain integration
  • Feature New file transfer manager
  • Feature Full Unicode support
  • Feature Support for public key authentication (SSH)
  • Feature Live filtering directory listings
  • Feature Improved Rendezvous support (jmDNS 0.2)
  • Feature Drag files from the browser to the transfer manager
  • Feature Drag links to the transfer manager to start download
  • Feature Browser can be customized to show/hide certain columns
  • Localize Japanese Localization
  • Localize Italian Localization
  • Localize Portuguese Localization
  • Localize Spanish Localization
  • Localize French Localization
  • Bugfix Various improvements and bug fixes

2.1 08 Dec 2003

  • Feature Bookmarks can now be edited.
  • Feature Bookmarks can now be saved as a regular file (Drag the bookmarks to the Finder).
  • Feature Bookmarks saved as files can be imported by dropping them on the Bookmarks Drawer.
  • Feature Double clicking a Cyberduck bookmark file in the Finder will open a new browser and connect to the remote site
  • Feature An initial directory upon new connection can now be specified (e.g. public_html instead of the default home).
  • Feature Use keyboard shortcut (commann-up/down) for browsing a directory
  • Bugfix Uploaded files now have the same permissions as the corresponding local files
  • Feature Updated icon set
  • Bugfix The sort order is now remembered while browsing
  • Feature Toolbar icon to toggle Bookmark drawer
  • Feature Updated SSH Core (v0.2.5)
  • Localize Dutch Localization
  • Localize German Localization
  • Feature HTTP is now supported again. Files can be downloaded from regular web servers.
  • Feature Cyberduck can now be configured as the default FTP helper application. See This seems to work with Safari and Internet Explorer.
  • Bugfix Dragging files to the Finder is now more reliable.
  • Bugfix The transfer panel does now close again if defined so in the preferences.
  • Feature The buffer size (the size of download chunks to keep in memory before writing to disk) is now adjustable.
  • Feature Login to anonymous FTP servers where no password is needed is now supported.
  • Feature Cyberduck now has the official creator code 'CYCK'.
  • Localize Localization support
  • Feature Files and foldes can now be dragged to the Finder to download them.
  • Feature Windows do now no more stack exactly on the top of prior one.
  • Feature There are now equivalent menu actions for the toolbar items.
  • Bugfix Modification dates and time are now displayed correctly.
  • Bugfix The modification date column is now sorted correctly.
  • Bugfix Browser columns are now sortable in both directions.
  • Bugfix When deleting multiple files and directories, the file list will now only get updated at the end because of performance.
  • Bugfix If multiples have been selected to transfer, Cyberduck now puts them in the same queue and opens only one connection to the server.
  • Feature There is a new command 'Go to folder' for changing the working directory quickly.
  • Feature Using the Cocoa Framework (instead of Java Swing)
  • Feature Support for SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) connections